There are quite a few causes of this dysphagia, ranging from narrowing or weakening of the esophagus muscles to food or other objects causing obstruction. 2014). Hanson, L. C., Ersek, M., Gilliam, R., & Carey, T. S. (2011). nutritional goals using identified caregiver feeding strategies STG: Patient will consume 4oz puree within 30 minutes with timely A/P bolus transport prior to swallow given verbal, visual, and tactile cues. any input on this would be appreciated. American Geriatrics Society Ethics Committee and Clinical Practice and Models of Care Committee. Swallowing can be improved by addressing the overall condition, including strength, stamina, motivation and emotional state. The goals of dysphagia treatment are to maintain adequate nutritional intake for the patient while maximizing airway protection. Dysphagia goals across settings and disorders. Subjective burden is a central variable describing the situation encountered by family caregivers. Caregivers can help their loved ones in many ways throughout the dementia disease process to optimize food intake, increase safety during meals, minimize risks of aspiration and to enhance mealtimes. Five recommendations – the 5 Fundamental Ms (Fig 1) – provide a framework that can help to reduce the risk of aspiration in these patients: MDT involvement; Maximising posture; Mealtime preparation; Mouth care; Medication management. Spell. Dysphagia treatment can be divided into direct treatment and indirect treatment. Maintaining good oral hygiene is critical; poor oral health is one of the leading risk factors of aspiration pneumonia in individuals with dysphagia. Even if treatment is going well, caregivers must not let themselves or a loved one feel that the dysphagia has been completely overcome and get comfortable. In direct treatment, the clinician works directly with the resident, teaching him or he r compensatory strategies. asteyer. Ensure dentures are cleaned and well-fitted before feeding. Dysphagia can also lead to isolation and depression. “Caring for a person with dysphagia and dementia presents a set of unique and difficult challenges,” Desai wrote in an article for the National Foundation of Swallowing Disorders. Leder, S. B. and Suiter, D. M. (2009) An Epidemiologic Study on Aging and Dysphagia in the Acute Care Hospitalized Population: 2000-2007. The swallowing specialist will cater the treatment to a person’s progress and also changes in health if necessary. Assessment of Dysphagia • Goals: • Determine the presence, nature, and cause of the swallowing impairment • Examine the current level of function • Develop strategies for dysphagia management . We aimed to investigate anxiety level of caregivers of neurological patients with dysphagia, and the relationship of patient-related factors to anxiety level of dysphagia caregivers. The management of elderly patients with dysphagia requires the coordinated expertise of a number of health-care professionals, including the patients’ primary care physician, pulmonologist, speech and language pathologist, clinical dietician, occupational therapist, physiotherapist, nurse, oral hygienist, dentist, as well as the primary caregivers. First, preparatory dysphagia is the actual loss of smell or taste sensation and saliva. DYSPHAGIA GOALS LONG TERM GOALS - SWALLOWING • Client will maintain adequate hydration/nutrition with optimum safety and efficiency of swallowing function on P.O. This article discusses some of the challenges associated with dysphagia in dementia, and suggests strategies for caregivers to help enhance mealtimes for their loved ones. The patient will complete the Frasier Free Water Protocol at 100% accuracy given occasional minimal verbal cues for adherence to all protocol steps in order to increase hydration and adherence to diet modifications. ... How-to – “wording” your goals or writing them clearly. All these problems can make mealtimes frustrating and stressful for caregivers of people with dementia. An example is cereal with milk. Use terminology that reflects the clinician's technical knowledge. Dennis Kees feeding or swallowing issues confirmed: … Created by. Prevention of dysphagia is not usually possible. Reduce Dementia-related Swallowing Problems Swallowing Can Be A Killer. ... How-to – “wording” your goals or writing them clearly. Few studies have investigated dysphagia management among adults with learning disabilities. Careful hand feeding should be offered because hand feeding has been shown to be as good as tube feeding for the outcomes of death, aspiration pneumonia, functional status, and comfort. Clear and easy-to-understand verbal prompting may also be needed. Feed meals when your loved one is most alert and attentive. Treatment of swallowing problems is ongoing, and a caregiver and loved one must understand that the initial plan is likely not the final one. These include items such as plates with large rims, cups with lids and wide bases, flexible straws, utensils with large handles, and non-slip placemats or suction cups to keep dishes from moving on the table. Regardless of a diagnosis, every individual deserves to ‘dine with dignity.’, Your email address will not be published. Salad is another big no-no for those with swallowing concerns. ALGORITHM 1. The goals of dysphagia treatment are to maintain adequate nutritional intake for the patient while maximizing airway protection. Get 7 expert tips on managing dysphagia to keep seniors safe & healthy. As caregivers, you can help prevent serious complications related to dysphagia by identifying the early stages at which swallowing problems begin. The audio in these two episodes is from a live, video CEU event with Some might eat better if provided with smaller meals throughout the day, instead of three big meals at a time. Follow some of these strategies to ensure swallowing safety: Simple adaptive eating tools can help some people with dementia remain independent while dining. SLPs can also receive reimbursement for providing education about communicating with dementia patients. Your SLP may recommend some additional postural strategies to maximize your loved one’s swallow safety. intake … Dysphagia in Seniors. They may require special feeding practices to minimise the risk of mortality, morbidity and developmental problems. They will provide you with a referral to a speech-language pathologist (SLP) – a certified healthcare professional who plays a primary role in the assessment and treatment of eating and swallowing disorders (dysphagia) in individuals across the lifespan, including adults with dementia. Sometimes, nutrition may be provided intravenously as well. intake without overt signs and symptoms of aspiration for the highest appropriate diet level - Client will utilize compensatory strategies with optimum safety and efficiency of swallowing function on P.O. Consult with an occupational therapist about which tools might be most helpful for your loved one. Provide education to both the person with dysphagia and the caregiver (ideally in multiple modalities). When preparing for the initial doctor’s appointment to discuss swallowing issues, a caregiver can help make the most of the short time with the professional by preparing information. Treatment will depend on whether your swallowing problem is in the mouth or throat (oropharyngeal dysphagia), or in the oesophagus (oesophageal dysphagia). This tutorial introduces readers to the current literature on dysphagia-related caregiver burden and third-party disability, illustrates the consequences of such burden on both caregivers and patients, and suggests strategies for better supporting patients' informal caregivers. Each diagnosis and treatment is as unique as the person suffering from the swallowing disorder. A caregiver should make sure their loved one is avoiding foods that may have caused problems in the past, such as tough meats, crusty breads, raw vegetables, whole nuts, some fruits, and sticky foods like peanut butter or frosted treats. Dysphagia has been identified as an independent predictor of mortality in stroke patients and is an important risk factor for aspiration pneumonia and malnutrition [2, 4, 7– 11]. Risk factors of aspiration pneumonia in Alzheimer’s disease patients. It is a broad term that describes a wide range of symptoms associated with a decline in memory, communication, and other thinking skills; severe enough to reduce a person’s ability to perform everyday activities (Alzheimer’s Association). There may be increased coughing or throat clearing, a wet or gurgly voice may be heard (especially when drinking liquids) or you might notice a person physically struggling with eating – spilling food from their mouth, holding food or chewing for too long, choking, or becoming fatigued during the meal. Covid-19. Originally from Mumbai, India; Rinki currently practices in Rochester, New York as Healthpro Rehabilitation’s SLP Team Leader for the Western NY region. Rinki currently serves on ASHA’s SIG 13 Editorial Committee as Associate Editor of Perspectives, on the Dysphagia Research Society’s Website, Communications, and PublicRelations Committee and has been selected to participate in ASHA’s Leadership Development Program 2017-2018. Oral vs. nonoral feeding. Watching a loved one lose interest in eating or drinking, choking, or having difficulty swallowing can be heartbreaking. Martino et al. Dementia is a syndrome caused by a number of progressive disorders that affect memory, thinking, behavior, and the ability to perform activities of daily living (World Alzheimer Report, 2010).Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and other dementias currently affect more than 5 million Americans (Fargo and Bleiler 2014) and 747 thousand Canadians (Alzheimer Society of Canada, 2012), and the incidence is expected to exceed 7.1 millio… Rather it represents a complex and multilayered condition that may impact on a person’s physical, emotional, and social life and carries significant burden surrounding functioning in everyday activities. Predictors of aspiration pneumonia: how important is dysphagia? She is the founder and admin of the Medical SLP Forum, co-author of the mobile app Dysphagia Therapy and co-founder of Dysphagia Grand Rounds. American Geriatrics Society Feeding Tubes in Advanced Dementia Position Statement. It is important to remember that dementia varies from person to person and these problems might look different in your loved one, depending on the type of dementia and stage of their disease process. Swallowing disorders affect each person differently and a specialist will look at those particulars to come up with a specific treatment plan. Fruit is many times a mixed consistency food, with skin and juices blending, as may be ice cream and gelatins that start out as solids and melt to a thin liquid in the mouth. To document skilled services, the clinician applies the tips listed below. Dishes that are different colors from the food may help the person distinguish the food more easily. 2. Add to cart . “With the right training, knowledge, and support, caregivers can enhance the quality of life of their loved ones with dementia. A more permanent solution is a PEG (Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy) feeding tube, which may be recommended by your physician. Get 7 expert tips on managing dysphagia to keep seniors safe & healthy. Dementia and dysphagia. Oral vs. nonoral feeding. Flashcards. However, a slow, silent threat exists which needs to be actively avoided, aspiration: accidentally having food or fluids go into the lungs instead of the stomach. Here is your 1-2-3 Action Plan. Are there still satisfying snacks for people with dysphagia?! Learn how your comment data is processed. Categories: Handouts, Speech Therapy Materials Tags: Downloadable, Dysphagia, Free, PDF, Speech and Language Pathology, Speech-Language. Make sure all the food and liquid is swallowed before feeding the next bite. Terms in this set (30) Changes in healthcare mandate focus on outcomes - increasing cost of care - Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act of 2010 (obamacare) - demands for accountability across the boards. In order to embrace a wider view of dysphagia, a new conceptual framework is required. In the next phase, the dementia care managers helped an additional 101 people with dementia and their caregivers set care goals. Dysphagia is a common morbidity and cause of mortality following traumatic brain injury (TBI). Add to cart . Though it will sometimes be necessary to make these changes to food texture or to thicken liquids, it is important to still try to maintain the look of a normal diet, as this can preserve your loved one’s enjoyment of food and help people with perceptual or memory difficulties recognize what they are eating. Some dysphagia signs and symptoms can be noted during or just after meals. Also ensure proper oral care is being completed throughout the day. Adequate nutrition and hydration must be preserved at all times during dysphagia treatment. I do not want to prolong misery by extending length of life and ignoring quality. To be at a place where swallowing is done as safely as possible, and minimizes the risk of choking or aspiration, andEnsure the correct amount of nutrition and hydration is able to be provided for a loved one.An important thing for a caregiver to realize is that treatment for dysphagia involves a loved one’s family and other support systems. Our philosophy is "use it or lose it." Few studies have investigated dysphagia management among adults with learning disabilities. Loading... By Dysphagia Match. To aid digestion, keep the person upright for 30 minutes after eating. If a caregiver has more than one goal, make sure they are splitting their time evenly between them. Provide education to both the person with dysphagia and the caregiver (ideally in multiple modalities). If a loved one or friend has been diagnosed with dysphagia, you probably feel concerned, empathetic, and maybe even confused. This course, with Dr. Ruth Stoeckel, provides a rationale for involving caregivers in therapy, as well as strategies for involving caregivers and special considerations for the school-aged population in particular. Encourage your caregivers to put all their effort into one goal rather than splitting their effort among multiple goals. Assist your loved one with feeding if they require help or if instructed by your SLP. Currently, there is no content with this tag. For oropharyngeal dysphagia, a speech or swallowing therapist may be recommended by the doctor. to help improve oral intake. more than 3 years ago, Copyright ©, Inc. 1995 - 2021, Sensation of food getting stuck in the throat or chest, or behind breastbone, Food or stomach acid backing up into a loved one’s throat. Avoid placing unnecessary items on the table that might distract or confuse the person. Sampson, E. L., Candy, B., & Jones, L. (2009). Remove that from the equation, and a manageable situation can go south quickly. Categories: Handouts, Speech Therapy Materials Tags: Downloadable, Dysphagia, Free, PDF, Speech and Language Pathology, Speech-Language. If any of these symptoms are present, be sure to consult with your physician as soon as possible. Dysphagia causes difficulty swallowing and can cause aspiration pneumonia in seniors. schedules and calendars). Some physicians may recommend a nasogastric tube (NGT) to help deliver nutrition via the nose into the stomach. If the person has significant difficulty using utensils, try bite-sized foods that are easy to pick up such as chicken nuggets, fish sticks, sliced sandwiches, cheese sticks, orange segments, carrot sticks, steamed broccoli etc. This might include placing a finger or hand under the person’s grasped hand on the fork and guiding it to the mouth or touching a spoon to their lip before feeding them. 2. First, make sure that there are no pre-appointment conditions such as diet restrictions, then prepare a list of a loved one’s symptoms (including their severity and frequency), as well as lists of current medications and questions for the practitioner. Depending on the person’s language ability, this may mean giving very specific directions such as “open your mouth”, “chew”, “swallow”; offering simple choices such as “Do you want soup or a sandwich?”, or asking simple yes/no questions rather than open-ended ones. DYSPHAGIA GOALSLONG TERM GOALS - SWALLOWING - Client will maintain adequate hydration/nutrition with optimum safety and efficiency of swallowing function on P.O. Dysphagia goals across settings and disorders. Oropharyngeal dysphagia relates to nerves and weakened throat muscles, making it difficult to move food from the mouth to the throat and esophagus. Dysphagia causes difficulty swallowing and can cause aspiration pneumonia in seniors. Simplify, by serving one or two dishes at a time. intake … MDT involvement. Gravity. Many patients must eat slowly and carefully to avoid choking and aspirating while maintaining a nutritious diet. Dysphagia does not just impact a person’s ability to swallow; it significantly impacts their overall quality of life. Lettuce is very difficult to make manageable. If occasional swallowing difficulty becomes ongoing, or is accompanied by weight loss, regurgitation or vomiting, a caregiver should seek medical treatment for a loved one. Second, oral dysphagia is caused when part of the tongue is missing and there is then impaired tongue control and sensory loss. more than 2 years ago. In addition to modifying diets, the speech-language pathologist may work with your loved one to help improve their swallow function using a combination of evidence-based exercises and swallow strategies to optimize their oral intake and safety. Regardless of a diagnosis, every individual deserves to ‘dine with dignity.’” STUDY. Among the many problems seen in individuals with dementia, there is growing evidence and concern regarding the presence of eating and swallowing disorders in this population, also known as ‘dysphagia.’. In individuals with Alzheimer’s disease, pneumonia accounts for nearly 70% of the causes of death. Jane Grudt part 1. part 2. earn asha ceus! Alternate small bites and sips. persistent pulmonary/GI symptoms Refer to Early Intervention or other therapist with experience in feeding/swallowing for feeding evaluation. Here are some tips that can help: Positioning Other types of dementia include Vascular Dementia, Dementia with Lewy Bodies and Frontotemporal Lobe Dementia. It was originally a 2 hour CEU … While lifestyle changes are likely, many people with swallowing issues find ways to manage the concern and live full, social lives. Easterling ,C. S., & Robbins, E. (2008). Despite this, there is a paucity of evidence demonstrating the efficacy of dysphagia management strategies and treatments in this population. PCP Management of Feeding/Swallowing Problems . Logemann J. Moreover, encourage your caregivers to keep a … This number increases as the disease severity progresses; with some degree of dysphagia found in close to 80% of institutionalized elderly diagnosed with dementia. There are four main families of dysphagia, which have many of the same symptoms, but different causes and treatments. These abnormalities may result in the impaired clearance of organisms, allowing for pathogenic colonization. Learn. Dysphagia is more than simply a physical difficulty. The patient will complete an instrumental evaluation (MBSS or FEES) within 1 week in order to evaluate swallowing safety. Minimizing Distractions Dysphagia can have many negative health consequences for people with learning disabilities, including dehydration, aspiration and asphyxiation. … Another possible reason is that dysphagia management is commonly achieved by training the caregivers, and caregivers become the primary responsible for dysphagia care and management [15]. Handout: Dysphagia quantity. Use plenty of liquid and applesauce to help with the swallowing of pills. It also includes weak chewing muscles as well as painful gums and cheeks. Here are some tips for living with chronic dysphagia: Watch for respiratory difficulties such as coughing, rapid breathing, wheezing, chest pain or changes in voice.Continue with the therapist-approved swallowing exercises that involve breathing, coughing and chewing.Continue to work on overall fitness, muscle strength, balance and posture.Keep the mind and body active with reading, games and word puzzles, etc.At bedtime, keep a loved one’s head elevated to 30 degrees to minimize aspiration and reflux.Part of a caregiver’s challenge is to help a loved one find support. When it comes to favorite foods and munchies, sometimes a person’s life goals dictate that quality of life is more important than safety at all costs. It can get to the throat sooner and be swallowed before the person is ready. It can be difficult to spot a person having difficulty eating and drinking, because the warning ‘signs’ can be so subtle. Goals may include: Client caregivers will follow SLP-determined dysphagia diet plan with 90% accuracy in all settings. Conclusions yImportance of developing nationally recognised evidence-based dysphagia oral care protocol, involving MDT. The cause of dysphagia is also considered when deciding on treatment or management. According to the American Geriatrics Society Feeding Tubes in Advanced Dementia Position Statement: “When eating difficulties arise, feeding tubes are not recommended for older adults with advanced dementia. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Adequate nutrition and hydration must be preserved at all times during dysphagia treatment. transfer techniques, the names of caregivers, and the use of memory aids (e.g. 1. Dysphagia can have many negative health consequences for people with learning disabilities, including dehydration, aspiration and asphyxiation. They can involve accomplishing a task, like disposing all of your parent’s old medications or overcoming a fear such as talking to your parents about their end-of-life wishes. Mod 12: Developing goals & documenting outcomes in dysphagia management. Oral feeding options for people with dementia: A systematic review. Speech therapy goals for aphasia rehabilitation should always be set by the therapist in collaboration with the person with aphasia and the people who are important to them, such as family, caregivers, and close friends. The management of elderly patients with dysphagia requires the coordinated expertise of a number of health-care professionals, including the patients’ primary care physician, pulmonologist, speech and language pathologist, clinical dietician, occupational therapist, physiotherapist, nurse, oral hygienist, dentist, as well as the primary caregivers. Evaluation of Dysphagia. 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