That is: tension acts upon our adrenaline releasing nerves, which are so sensitized they respond to the slightest stimulus, creating an almost constant trickle of adrenaline, and often a flood, which correlated with thoughts we don’t want makes us feel horrible. It is not our purpose here to convince you of this, but rather advise you to those remedies considered most suited for treatment of Harm OCD. White chestnut is good for squashing obsessive thoughts and eliminating the need to perform repetitive actions. For such Gentian lends a much needed hand. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. (Note: I say “seeming” here because I know we can, through developing what I like to call a “nonchalance practice”, perceive them entirely different and show far less concern.). Remember to be good to yourself. : a violent demonstration of rage or frustration; a sudden burst of ill temper). White Chestnut is the remedy for repetitive thoughts or worries. Rather it is the fear of becoming so, implied in the writings of Bach. Relevance to Harm OCD: Nervously fatigued, burnt out, exhausted… however you want to view your Harm OCD, it is clearly a low energy state necessitating revival and rest. Yes, pleasure, a thing forgotten through the struggle with Harm OCD, but elixir no less to the world weary soul who’s way, so often, has been one of denial. White Chestnut—calming the mind. Thanks for the report back. Essentially facts are only relevant so far as they are solving your problem, and regardless of detractors, the Bach Flower Remedies continue to grow in popularity and their extensive use should at least suggest to you that, as we believe, there is “something in them”. <A HREF=””> Widgets</A>Mimulus ~ the remedy for known fears, or fears you can “name” ~ i.e. Note: We’re told the crisis formula works quite quickly, because people use it for emergency situations rather than deep-rooted problems. One of the most frequent causes of insomnia is found in the many different kinds of persistent thoughts which keep flooding the mind, while someone is “trying” to sleep. It helps a person find quiet and calm that will not be disturbed by outside influences. Gentain ~ for downheartedness and doubt caused by perceived knock backs ~ for when we’re feeling discouraged ~ for disproportionate upset in the face of small setbacks ~ for pessimism and loss of heart. Phone: (617) ... the majority of my patients present with anxiety disorders including OCD, GAD, Panic Disorder, Social Anxiety and specific phobias. Cookies help us deliver our Services. In due course I will be reviewing these products and pointing you towards those I feel most pertinent for your full recovery from Harm OCD. are there any other Bach Flower Remedies appropriate for you? Check out Bach Original Flower Remedies Rescue Remedy - 10 ml, 1 Pack reviews, ratings, specifications and more at The Positive Effects of Oak: Oak flower essence allows us to follow the more natural impulses of our inner self, thus calming any counterproductive “straining efforts” regards “fighting” this thing. This of crucial importance: relaxing. Indeed, such is the urge to “flee from ourselves”, only in the dazed aftermath removed from the scene of our Harm OCD are we able to reorient ourselves, but ever so slightly. White Chestnut ~ for inner turmoil and brain chatter ~ re-running conversations or arguments over and over ~ a mind that never shuts up ~ a mind like a hamster on a wheel, constantly moving faster and faster, resolving nothing ~ may suffer from headaches due to enormous mental tension ~ may unconsciously grind their teeth. for every day fears: fear of public speaking, of the dark, of aggressive dogs, of illness and pain ~ phobias can also be Mimulus fears if the cause of the fear – whether spiders, birds or open spaces – can be named. They worry at us like a dog worries a bone. Rescue Remedy can then prove first and definite aid to nip emotional reactivity in the bud so that as the “storms” pass, we are able to let them go and encourage the return to, and lengthening of, the peaceable interludes so vital to the healing of our sensitized nerves. For the past few years she has been sufferring from anxiety, ... She says she feels calm for 15 minutes after taking white chestnut, and then it is back to the same stress again. The Positive Effects of Gorse: no matter how deep our depression, Gorse encourages us to hope for recovery. cultivate an exploratory attitude based on attaining your own pertinent conclusions. Natural treatments for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or OCD, can sometimes be helpful if combined supplements like krill oil and vitamin d according to our readers. Buy Bach Original Flower Remedies Rescue Remedy - 10 ml, 1 Pack online at low price in India on Please read below for more information and resources about about OCD … 8. Relevance to Harm OCD: trying so hard to banish our harming obsessions, driving our powers of resistance to the extreme, we forget recovery’s best path lies is learning to rebuild our strength without straining, through attaining a balance that allows time for rest, rejuvenation, and pleasure. website. Please make sure to consider if there are other aspects of your personality that may be hindering progress – i.e. Soothe yourself. Relevance to Harm OCD: the early stages of finding ourselves with Harm OCD are often marked with a severity of fear that renders us quite powerless to recover ourselves, far less take any positive healing action in the face of it. Has anyone heard/tried this? One mushroom in particular, the chestnut mushroom, has considerable amounts of health and medicinal benefits. In this regard a large part of my recovery was thanks to well written words and I can't overestimate the value of having a good book at hand when your other Towers of Strength aren't nearby. Relevance to Harm OCD: Review of Crab Apple will lend opinion it is better suited to treating obsessive-compulsive tendencies around the cleaning of clothes, hands, house etc. . Also worth your while are these free downloadable books by Dr Bach: absorbed in your thoughts and unable to focus on anything else, that pretty much anything offering break from the trauma of it has to be welcomed. The Positive Effects of Crab Apple: Crab Apple aids self-acceptance, broadmindedness and our ability to control negative thoughts, and allows us to move past old hurts and doubts that before might have subdued us. I received my M.S. WHITE CHESTNUT here , in all of the above situations and such, is hands down the best Remedy to CLEAR, RELAX and CALM your MIND . To this end the following list is offered as guide only. has often been referred to as the “cleanser of wounds”. Little do we know that these lulls are quite normal for Harm OCD as adrenaline goes, it leaves us effete with extreme physical tiredness, tiredness of the mind and of the emotions, and of the spirit. There are 39 different remedies in all, including Rescue Remedy . Beyond question, in order for your nerves to properly heal, any emotional conflict or emotional reactivity must be cooled. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder ... of finding us is identifying our Center from the street from the first time because it is a residential building of white stucco with brown shutters (see the photo above). Please read below for more information and resources about about OCD and what this subreddit is! Generally speaking, this is the remedy to take when there’s no time for self-diagnosis, when you’re in the midst of a crisis, when your need is most dire, as is often the case the early days of your sojourn with Harm OCD, when your want of knowledge about its vexing nature is almost complete. For further guidance on the remedies, case studies, FAQ’s, and much, much more, you’ll also want to check out The Bach Centre website. Fill these with water allowing enough room to add 2 drops of each remedy together with 2 drops of Brandy - as a preservative, particularly if you are going to be carrying the bottle in a pocket. in Clinical and Counseling Psychology from Chestnut … Please keep in mind, however, large part of your recovery from Harm OCD entails becoming your own best friend, with the self-determination to find what’s best for yourself. The Positive Effects of Mustard: Mustard helps to dispel the blackness, bringing back light and joy and the ability to be happy and cheerful ~ aids equilibrium and equanimity by helping the Self to balance extreme polarities of light and dark. Gorse helps us bounce back and put negative expectations aside as we revive our efforts to recuperate as well as gain sense that all this will lift. Developed by a Doctor more than 80 years ago, homeopathic products have helped millions of … You'll get there, I promise. The Positive Effects of Gentian: A return to faith, not only faith in one’s own spiritual aspect, but faith in the meaning of life, and faith in one’s own future ~ the ability to see a positive end despite adversary ~ the restoration of firmness of purpose ~ the ability to see the “light at the end of the tunnel” ~ encouragement from within, Gorse ~ for the sense there is no way forward ~ utter hopelessness ~ a deeper downheartedness than the Gentian state ~ may have given up ~ resignation ~ loss of faith. The Positive Effects of Star of Bethlehem: As this site is under development - I've so much content to write! ~Does your mind constantly replay bits of conver Rescue Remedy a helpful remedy to keep on hand for stressful situations. I have to use more than the recommended dose but it works! NOTE: From the Dr. Bach's website: "White the remedy for unwanted thoughts and mental arguments that intrude into the mind and stop us concentrating. The toll of guilt is a heavy one resulting in self-doubt and feelings of worthlessness that deprive you of the clarity needed to pick yourself up. For you may well have noticed, just how they boomerang back and leave you exhausted the more that you try fighting them. Simply put, you must see that your way back to health is to lighten your load, not to carry lead weights of guilt and dubious conscience. I'll give it a try. Horse chestnut, or Aesculus hippocastanum, is a tree native to the Balkan Peninsula.. Thanks: 7. Therefore, for us, the moral conscience of those in the Cherry Plum state is beyond question, and suggestions otherwise should be ignored. ... of finding us is identifying our Center from the street from the first time because it is a residential building of white stucco with brown shutters ... From Chestnut Hill The Positive Effects of Aspen: Aspen brings a certain composure to those inordinately sensitive to their Harm OCD, allowing them to pass through their day with far less apprehension and guardedness against the “terror”. But it’s also useful for times of relapse, when perhaps you’ve made good progress but then all of a sudden there’s this slump in your energy and your ability to cope and you once more recoil, startled and distressed by the seeming severity of your harming obsessions. Fears of going mad and of acting irrationally are Cherry Plum states. Pamper yourself. White Chestnut: Helps you when your mind is cluttered with thoughts, usually arguments, ideas, thoughts which you do not wish to keep repeating in your mind. The White Chestnut flower essence helps the mind calm down and get rid of unwanted thoughts. Relevance to Harm OCD: Aspen is usually prescribed for “those who experience apprehension for which there appears to be no logical reason”, but it is appropriate for Harm OCD where there is almost constant and heightened nervous vigilance against recurrence of disturbing and aberrant thoughts. We may say with Harm OCD we have become “over-careful” to avoid certain “triggers”, failing to see that our recovery lies not in the continued avoidance of things that alert our discomfort, but by becoming once more peaceable “wherever we are”. Cherry Plum is the remedy for the over-strained mind. However, as it belongs to the Despondency and Despair group – along with Oak, Sweet Chestnut, Willow, Star of Bethlehem, Elm and Pine – it’s included here for its prime regenerative benefit of relieving unhealthy fixations of poor self-image, such as you might feel with your Harm OCD. These can be used to make over 19 million combinations, and there is a remedy or combination of … The Seed Essence of Mallow is also included. Some I will include purely for their spirit lifting genius, others because I think they are awesome. White Chestnut is a remedy for insomnia, too, if … And indeed, as Harm OCD is so particularly disorientating when it first happens upon us, and we fear we are losing our rational mind, panic and desperation may well befall us. Traditional Chinese medicine: a mixture of bupleurum and dong quai, to strengthen the spleen and regulate the liver. Note: When researching the Cherry Plum remedy be vigilant of descriptions that deviate largely from what appears on the Bach Centre site – i.e. The OCD and Anxiety Institute is dedicated to the study and treatment of anxiety and OCD in individuals of all ages. Times when our energy’s bottomed and there’s no light on our path. As we drop apprehension and we learn to relax, we undermine the underlying anxiety that fuels our OCD and thus begin questioning, and eventually moving beyond, the “protective” compulsive tendencies we have so long employed. Quite simply we do not have the energy even to try. Relevance to Harm OCD: there’s lulls, times when after a bout of Harm OCD we’ve exhausted our supply of stress hormones and we hit this brick wall, exhausted ourselves and flattened by this seemingly insurmountable and unending fight. <A HREF=””> Widgets</A> Cherry Plum ~ for those who feel as though they are about to lose their minds or “explode” ~ for those who fear they will commit acts of extreme violence ~ the fear of losing reason and mental control in face of unwanted impulses, dreaded urges, or strong mental pressures ~ the flooding of the mind with unwanted thoughts that are strongly resisted.