All production sites comply with ISO 14001 environmental standards. Don’t forget the insect repellent… you’ll want it. Scott Lynch’s pocket guide, Hiking South Carolina’s Foothills Trail, is another popular option. Get Here. Benton MacKaye Trail Thru-Hiker’s Guide 2020-2021 $ 13.50 SE (Enumclaw). Length: 76.2 miles (the Foothills Trail Conservancy rounds this off to 77 miles). Like. Miuka Falls via Winding Stairs Trail. Before you hike, check out our store for maps and other resources. Pocket Profiles, Guides and Books . Add to Wishlist + Quick View. The guide is functional and easy to follow, but unfortunately, the guide (published in 2015) doesn't reflect a lot of improvements that the Foothills Trail Conservancy made in 2017/18. It was conceptualized in the 1970’s and finally finished by 1981. No permits are required, but if you camp in either Oconee or Table Rock state parks, there is a fee. Quick View. Follow the trail about 100 yards down the stairs and you will see the bench on your right - touch it and retrace your steps back. Writing about books, hiking, the Battle of Tarawa and more. Trail data information includes trail mileage, access points & parking, campsites, water sources, town data, crossing roads, resupply points, mail drops and more. Trail Map New! Pocket Profiles, Guides and Books . The perfect companion to the Foothills Trail Guidebook. All the information day-hikers and backpackers need to explore this great trail in one convenient indestructible tool! The Foothills Trail, though steep in places, is not especially rugged, so trail runners are more than adequate. 2. Bones of My Grandfather: Reclaiming a Lost Hero of World War II, The Trail Is the Teacher: Living and Learning on the Appalachian Trail, Great Plains Trail Pilot Trail: A Unique Thru-Hike, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Great Plains Trail Pilot Trail: Episode 18, Great Plains Trail Pilot Trail: Episode 3, Sandy Bonnyman’s brother Gordon receives posthumous recognition for WWII service, Review of ‘The Trail is the Teacher’ on The Trek, Stop Blaming the Beach! The elevation profile (below) of this 59.2-mile trail looks like an EKG of arrhythmia as it cuts through the Endless Mountains region of north-central Pennsylvania, part of an immense deciduous woodland that spans the northern tier of Pennsylvania and southern New York. Foothills Trail Pocket Profile Map $ 3.95. The Foothills Trail is an 80-mile foot trail running along the Blue Ridge Escarpment from Oconee State Park north of Walhalla, SC to Table Rock State Park north of Pickens, SC. Elevation Profile. Foothills Trail Elevation Map Continued on back of this page 89 3600 3400 3200 3000 2800 2600 2400 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 Bearcamp Creek Thompson River Join Whitewater River A7 Upper Falls Overlook A8 Round Mtn. What is different is the elevation change at each end. Our supplier constantly strives to eliminate the waste generated by their production processes throughout the entire production chain: Scrap resulting from printing processes are collected with other polymer products and reused to make other plastic items. Celebrating 46 Years of the Foothills Trail Over 2,481 volunteer hours in 2020 Planning a hike? Burrell’s Ford Trail Access. Sunday, March 18 - While everyone is free to fly, most of us will find a comfortable group and hang on to either the bail-out or the finish at Oconee. Pocket Profile Benton MacKaye Trail Elevation Profile Map Set $ 11.85. Saltysack, the overall elevation change is roughly the same whether you go from Oconee SP to Table Rock SP or reverse. Weighing in at just 4 grams, this water-proof, durable map features a Foothills Trail map on one side and an elevation profile with altitudes and trail data/information on the other. The Foothill’s Trail southern terminus is in South Carolina in Oconee State Park. Nearby Hiking Trails. Does not contain phthalate, chlorine, or other halogens. 7. Seasonal Popularity. Trail data information includes trail mileage, access points & parking, campsites, water sources, town data, crossing roads, resupply points, mail drops and more. The Ozark Foothills 50k and 25k are simultaneous trail races that will be held across the scenic and technical trails laying at the foothills of the gently rolling Ozark mountain range. Become a member! EASY 2.4 mi. Backpacking subjects gear to the most strenuous of conditions that will test the limits of any well made piece of gear. Elevation Profile. Also, the elevation profile … Overall, south/westbound hikers (SWOBOs?) Foothills Trail Elevation Profile (side 1). Hikers should fill up before ascending Sassafrass Mountain, particularly northbound; the climb is long and steep, and there are no water sources for 4.5 miles. Pocket Profile Foothills Trail Elevation Profile Map $ 3.95. Nearby Hiking Trails. This topo-style, double-sided map gives the big picture of the Trail, and includes trailhead access maps with point-to-point distances, elevation maps, and designated campsite information. Sassafras viewpoint via Foothills Trail. gain approximately 10,900 feet of elevation, while north/eastbounders (NEBOs?) Pocket Profiles, Guides and Books . gain approximately 10,900 feet of elevation, while north/eastbounders (NEBOs?) Keep it away from sharp objects that could puncture it in your pack. This includes new campsite, signs, and noteworthy landmarks (I.e. gain about 10,000 feet (the Foothills Trail Conservancy does not offer exact totals; approximations are based on an overall elevation profile). Pocket Profiles, Guides and Books . The climate is mild due to lower elevations, which usually means oppressive heat and humidity in late spring, summer, and early fall—good training for the AT’s mid-Atlantic in July. Sign up to receive email updates and to hear what's going on with us! See other rides. Add to Wishlist. After it has gotten good and wet, give it a good dry off before folding and stowing it. ... We rate each course based on their elevation profile and quality of their surface. Weighing in at just 4 grams, this water-proof, durable map features a Foothills Trail map on one side and an elevation profile with altitudes and trail data/information on the other. Most of the year, hikers can leave cold-weather gear at home. Keeping our environmental impact as low as possible during the manufacturing processes. While the Appalachian Trail, which is roughly 20 miles away at its closest point, may get all the hype, the Foothills Trail might offer a little more bang for you buck in terms of highlights per mile. This number, when compared to the elevation profile, can give you an idea of how much elevation change is ahead and whether it is likely to be more uphill or downhill or a mixture of both ups and downs. Horses are also able to use this trail. The tread on most of the trail is largely free of rocks and roots, except for a few limited areas, making for pleasant hiking. There are numerous road crossings, and hitching into small towns such as Salem, SC, or Sapphire, NC, isn’t too difficult. The Foothills Trail Conservancy store offers a complete guidebook, map, and pocket profile. Production scrap that cannot be reused in the production process is collected by a recycling company to be reprocessed as raw materials for other plastic items. The standard guidebooks for the Foothills Trail provide detailed information about plentiful camping spots, and there are numerous spots to camp along the way that aren’t listed in either book. Insects can be troublesome, especially mosquitoes and biting flies in warmer months. King Creek Falls. 8. Elwha to Hurricane Hill Trail and Wolf Creek Trail combine to form a challening 16mi (7000' ascent) CCW loop day hike, which includes 4mi of hiking along the Whiskey Bend Road. EASY 1.4 mi. This National Recreation Trail is South Carolina’s longest trail. The Foothills Trail Want to get more involved? As on the AT, south/westbound Foothills Trail hikers walk straight into a buzzsaw, tackling the highest, most challenging terrain immediately and gaining some 3,000 feet in the first 9.8 miles to the summit of Sassafrass Mountain … on day one. The manufacturing process does not include any dangerous or polluting components. Bears frequent these mountain areas, so it’s important to bring and adequately hang a bear bag, or use an Ursack setup. FOOTHILLS TRAIL MAP SOUTH CAROLINA 75 miles. The Foothills Trail, A National Recreation Trail. ... Elevation Profile Your finish must be verified by the method HERE in order for it to be recorded on this website. Pocket Profile JMT/PCT Elevation Profile Map $ 3.95. bridges). This is a four-season trail, hikeable even in winter. One strategy is to roll the map and put it in your accessory pocket on your pack rather than folding it. 6. Especially in warm weather, the slog out of Laurel Valley, up Sassafrass, over Pinnacle Mountain, and down, down into Table Rock will tax many a hiker’s glutes and quads. The terrain, tread, and grades—from riverside meandering to lung-busting steep—all reflect the AT in its Georgia, Tennessee, and North Carolina incarnations. Weighing in at just 4 grams, this water-proof, durable map features a Foothills Trail map on one side and an elevation profile with altitudes and trail data/information on the other. The trail epitomizes the green tunnel phenomenon, but that just makes its periodic panoramic views even more rewarding. Waste linked to the synthetic paper production. Our paper is made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and is therefore 100% recyclable in category 2 HDPE. This is a challenging course of steep grades and rolling terrain. Whether you’re looking for a day hike or planning a multi-day through-hike, the Foothills Trail offers adventures of every length and difficulty. The FTC website lists shuttle services that cater to long-distance hikers. DIFFICULT 18.5 mi. Trail on Glen Eyre Number 3 Reservoir, Camp Creek, Douglas Creek, and Fountain Creek in Colorado Springs. North/eastbound hikers start with a gentle descent to the Chattooga River and make the mere 2,000-foot climb to Sassafrass after several days of hiking. If your Pocket Profile™ was accidentally allowed to dry completely from wet while folded, and is frozen together, run it under water for a while and slowly and gently work it apart. Foothills trail. Pocket Profile Foothills Trail Elevation Profile Map $ 3.95. Oconee State Park is about two hours from both cities. Terrain: Easy to moderate on the western/southern part of the trail, with occasional short, steep climbs. And many a Foothills Trail hiker has found herself sprinting away from the occasional swarm of irritable hornets, especially in fall. It has a long service life in its applications (maps, tags and manuals, for example), thus reducing the need for source materials. The southern/western portion of the trail is fairly gentle, but don’t let that fool you. EASY 4.3 mi. from Pioneer Way E and Shaw Rd. Total Length 5¾mi; Elevation Range Located in Upstate South Carolina and Western North Carolina, the trail is 77 miles long. DIFFICULT 71.8 mi. Filed Under: Appalachian Trail, Hiking, Outdoors Tagged With: north carolina, south carolina, trail profile. The manufacturing process uses five times less water that traditional paper production, thus preserving water resources. Total Ascent: 17003 feet: Total Descent: 17592 feet: Max Elevation: 3520 feet: Min Elevation: View amenities, descriptions, reviews, photos, itineraries, and directions on TrailLink. With the exception of the winter months, chances are that weather will be warm and often extremely hot and humid. Quick View. When incinerated under the right conditions, the paper is non-toxic and does not produce dioxins or other highly toxic materials. It’s unfair to reduce the Foothills Trail to a warm-up for the Appalachian Trail. Foothills Trail spans 31.3 mi. Foothills Trl Crossing Hwy 178. The trail offers a number of activity options and is best used from March until October. Pocket Profile JMT/PCT Elevation Profile Map $ 3.95. A trail corridor linking Table Rock State Park in the north/east to Oconee State Park to the south/west, was completed in 1981. Whitewater Falls (miles 30-31.7): Six different falls that tumble a total of 800 feet, making it the highest waterfall east of the Mississippi River. Pigpen Falls via Foothills Trail ... Nantahala National Forest via Foothills Trail. Thru-hikers travel both north/eastbound and south/westbound, but there’s no question that those who travel south/westbound have it a bit tougher. SE (Enumclaw). This trail profile appeared originally in The Trek.. Foothills Trail . The AntiGravityGear Pocket Profiles™ are waterproof, rub resistant and tear resistant. Also, the elevation profile is not usable due to the scale. Well-built bridges cross major waterways and the FTC has laid hundreds of wood-block steps into the steepest sections of trail. While the Appalachian Trail, which is roughly 20 miles away at its closest point, may get all the hype, the Foothills Trail might offer a little more bang for you buck in terms of highlights per mile. Quick View. Foothills Trail Thru-hike. Camping is allowed on most of the trail’s 77 miles, with the following exceptions: 1.7 miles along the Whitewater River on Duke Energy property, starting at around mile 30 (northbound); Table Rock State Park, except in designated campsites at park headquarters. These are also commonly referred to is PUDs or MUDs (Pointless Ups & Downs or Mindless Ups & Downs). Resources. A spur trail connects it to Caesars Head State Park. Exposure is minimal, and many climbs feature artificial, wood-block steps. In addition to complying with the ISO 14001 EMS standards, our supplier has taken the following health and safety initiatives: Components are fully compliant with the following legislation dealing with heavy metals: The 1994 standard of the Coalition of Northeastern Governors’ Model Toxic (CONEG).