We told him we planned on getting him a mini fridge that he could keep water and Gatorade in for him and his friends, and like any guy would be, he was more excited about the mini fridge than the comforter, pictures, and shower curtain color. The title song — heard here in two versions — remains an eloquent invocation of a … It kind of sounds like an owl,” I replied. Swallowing was still very difficult. They loved each other, they hated each other; they fought, they made up; they were embarrassed of each other, they defended each other; they told on each other, and they covered up for each other. Jesus has conquered the grave! Not long after that, I received a text message from a friend who I hadn’t talked to in weeks. While I’m waiting I’m lifting up on wings as eagles I believe (hey) I will trust in You Everybody sings Oh oh oh, you got it, (oh oh oh) Everybody Oh oh oh. That's a long time for anyone but especially for a baby who changes so quickly! I didn’t know what to say, and my mind raced to come up with an answer. That was all it took, and then he got out. That was brutal news for a sibling to hear. The first thing he said was, “It was complicated.” I caught my breath and immediately asked him, “But he’s okay; right?” He nodded. While I’m Waiting. This reveal has been a LONG time coming but before I get too far, I want to share a little backstory with you. But, if I've learned anything during this process, it's that our house should work for us, not the other way around! “Psalm 34:18 says, ‘The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.’ I knew such things were not mere coincidences but rather felt they were strategically-placed love notes from God, reassuring me that I was not alone. Not knowing what he was up to or where he was going, the nurse’s curiosity was piqued, and she let him lead the way while holding his waist from behind to keep him safe. Kelly Denham, the boy’s mother, tells the story of when God’s unfailing love met unimaginable suffering. When he walked through the bedroom door, his eyes lit up. A very determined TJ, intent on a mischievous mission, walked over to the white board and erased Dr. Landry’s name with his fist. Tom also had Down’s syndrome, and Janet taught me many things about special needs and helped me with the transition of TJ being a typical child to TJ becoming a child with special needs. On September 3, 2013 four-and-a-half months after surgery, TJ was discharged to home, but when we arrived home, after just a couple of days, he began to decline rapidly. During that study, I learned that the Christian life wasn’t just about believing IN God, but it was about believing what God says and taking God at his Word. In the waiting, God pursues our hearts more intimately and deeply. It was miserable for both TJ and the caregiver. 1 Thessalonians 4:13 says, “Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope.” As believers in Christ, we mourn as if our loved one has gone away on a long trip, remembering with full assurance that after awhile we will see them again. The news of TJ’s mischief spread across the rehab floor, and much to Dr. Landry’s chagrin, medical staff also began referring to him as Dr. We were standing in the hallway just outside TJ’s door when the doctor asked how TJ was doing. He was lying on the gurney making a silly face at me, so I snapped a picture. And as I stood there laughing, the psychiatrist and the resident stared at me with straight faces and never cracked a smile once. When she came out, she said she stood in the doorway, and the surgeon gave her a thumbs up. Because I had the same experience a couple of weeks prior, I knew what that meant: He wasn’t doing well. Immediately after walking into his room, I noticed a calendar with a picture of China, but it was open to the wrong month. Crazy Faith is the fifth studio album by John Waller. Helpful. “‘For I know the plans I have for you’, declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. This song ministers to me cause my husband don’t know the Lord and I’m waiting on my husband to give his life to Jesus. When he saw my reluctance to begin the job search, he told me if I finished my book, I could wait a little longer. Listen to your mother! The Prayer of an Unknown Confederate SoldierI asked God for strength that I might achieve.I was made weak that I might learn humbly to obey.I asked for health that I might do greater things.I was given infirmity that I might do better things.I asked for riches that I might be happy.I was given poverty that I might be wise.I asked for power that I might have the praise of men.I was given weakness that I might feel the need of God.I asked for all things that I might enjoy life.I was given life that I might enjoy all things.I got nothing that I asked for,but everything I hoped for.Almost despite myself,my unspoken prayers were answered.I am, among all men, most richly blessed. 10 Bible verses to encourage your student-athlete, Fashion Friday: Edition it’s a long weekend. Now that TJ and Tom are together in heaven, we wonder if they laugh and talk about us, too. Recently, my husband Travis encouraged me in a round-about way to get back to writing. I believe in all of the products that I personally feature on this site and would never recommend them if I didn't absolutely love them. Homecoming 2017 - traditions both new and old. I knew He was with me. God is so good! They were quite entertaining to watch. May the force be with you!” TJ would then throw his head back, make a loud humming noise, and shake his head back and forth. Tom and Janet were now just down the hall from TJ and me, and we visited them frequently. His speech therapist thought that he would talk again, although his voice might sound different. As for Me and My House (Deluxe Edition) John Waller. This verse meant so much to me that it is even on the back of TJ’s headstone. I clung to the Bible verse Jeremiah 29:11 throughout TJ’s illness and death. Since he was already doing so well walking, there was no question he would walk on his own again. I’m waiting I’m waiting on You, Lord And I am hopeful I’m waiting on You, Lord Though it is painful But patiently, I will wait I will move ahead, bold and confident Taking every step in obedience While I’m waiting I will serve You While I’m waiting I will worship While I’m waiting I … They shared a close bond and were the best of friends. Chandler Moore) - Travis Greene, слова и аккорды на KG MUSIC. God’s presence was so near to me at that moment, enveloping me, drawing me closer. Rehab was a blessed time. Laundry.”, When I arrived at TJ’s room later that morning, the nurse excitedly — and with a few giggles — retold the story and added, “I wonder how long he has been lying in that bed, staring at that board, and planning to change Dr. Landry’s name?!”. After four months of battling his brain injury and constantly bouncing from floor to floor, TJ finally went off to rehab for a third time in August of 2013 and finished. $10.49. You will see them again. I will serve You while I’m waiting I will worship while I’m waiting on You, Lord: 4 stories about "While I’m Waiting" Dolly King says: May 19, 2017 at 10:21 am. Dylan loved his uncle TJ and Uncle TJ loved Dylan. “I don’t know. (John 3:16), The God I know calls me His child. They were the perfect match. The Blessing. It was very small but provided him with everything he needed. God loves us, and even though we may go through incredibly painful events in our life, if we choose to focus on Him and not on our circumstances, we will see His loving hand guiding, directing, and providing for us. We were excited about the future. “TJ, knock it off. My MIA status is largely due to the fact that I’m in the middle of writing a book about TJ’s story. His therapist was somewhat reluctant to say he would eat again but finally gave in. Throughout the surgery, a nurse went back to the OR and checked on the status of how things were going. Why Should You Shop from Home More Often. I’m hoping to send the book to the publisher by the end of the year, Lord willing. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! On Thursday evening, Mike and I were in the stands at Colby's football game. Do you sometimes feel God is silent and aloof while your heart is breaking? While TJ was in Texas, Travis and I planned to surprise him with a newly remodeled bedroom in the basement upon his return. A very large heart stained glass window is located on the second floor of the Rochester Ronald McDonald House. The popular song is a celebration of the holiday season that quickly puts the listener in the mood for Christmas. He had never really had a nice bedroom before, so we were very excited about the opportunity to surprise him. Some of the posts on While I'm Waiting contain clickable affiliate links. We laughed and cried together and encouraged one another with God’s Word. While in rehab, much to everyone’s surprise, TJ began improving rapidly. The sickest kids have the most equipment and need more space. But as the hours ticked by, it wasn’t going away. Enthralled by the beauty of the large bird, I stood at the door for a while trying to remember if I had ever seen an owl in person before. So, I chose an owl, and throughout my adult years, whenever I saw an owl, I was reminded that God was very near. It was a battle and the house was winning! I hope you enjoy and I'm so thankful you stopped by. I learned the young man’s name was Tom and his mom’s name was Janet. “But as for me, it is good to be near God.I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge;I will tell of all your deeds.” Psalm 73:28. While I'm Waiting, an album by John Waller on Spotify. TJ spent the summer of 2012 in Dallas, Texas with his oldest sister Ashley working at Trophy Club Country Club, which his brother-in-law Matt managed, as a cart attendant on the golf course. While I'm Waiting Here, Billy Strings (Advanced) Home / Tab Store / Advanced / While I’m Waiting Here, Billy Strings (Advanced) Here’s the second Billy Strings tab I’ve released on this site. I responded, “Well, he asked for a mini fridge for his bedroom at home this morning.” And then I added, “But I don’t know what he thinks he’s going to put in it because he can’t swallow anything.” And at that moment the ridiculousness of what our lives had become hit me, and I began to laugh uncontrollably. After they were married, Chandler and her husband Julian moved to Cedar Rapids, which is a city two hours away from Des Moines, but they were still close enough to come home quite often to visit and spend time with family. At one time he whispered, “This is miserable.”. When TJ asked about it again, we told him we were sorry, and we reassured him we would definitely get him one soon. While I’m Waiting is mostly a tastefully-arranged midtempo affair, though “Quest” spices things up with some astringent guitar riffage and “Our God Reins Here” aims for a brawny arena-rock sound. As for Me and My House. We just happened to be there on the same day, at the same time, and in the same building. $ 0.00. TJ was admitted into rehab twice at Mayo. Doctors were puzzled. That is the God I know, and He is God Almighty. BUY … As Christians, we may mourn the death of a loved one, but the Bible tells us not to mourn as those who have no hope. He started biting his tongue and lips and would squeal in pain. About a year later, Tom’s Leukemia came back, and after a long, three-year, hard-fought battle, he passed away in late summer of 2015 at the age of 21. We were excited that he had the opportunity to spend time with Ashley and her family, which included an adorable, little 2-year-old nephew named Dylan. They were from Wisconsin and were quite familiar with Mayo Clinic as they had been there many times before. Many times during this hospitalization, Chandler expressed frustration about TJ being in the hospital. This means that if you purchase a product from one of these links, myself or another blogger may earn a commission. He’s going to be fine. But almost right away we noticed he couldn’t swallow and couldn’t move his eyes. Chandler was grief stricken to lose her brother and went home every night researching other hospitals we could transfer him to and different procedures we could try like lung transplants in hopes of prolonging his life. He was hallucinating and saying crazy things. While I’m waiting I’m getting stronger My faith is rising, and I will run on While I’m waiting I’m lifting up on wings as eagles I believe, I will trust in You. After TJ died Travis told me to take a year off to grieve before going back to work. After six years of wondering why, we still don’t know the answer to that question. Stock No: WWDL128879-10. Hello, Friday! There are times when I long to be back in my room at the Ronald McDonald House where God was so near and TJ was within a short walking distance up the street, but God has other plans for me now. 5.0 out of 5 stars Great song. God has provided me with an amazing editor, and I’m excited to see what becomes of all this. TJ was two years into his brain injury and had just moved back home two months prior. September 29, 2009 2 comments Article Spiritual. Video clip and lyrics While I'm Waiting by Hezekiah Walker. And I was so scared. I desperately wanted to cave into the fear and scream and go berserk, but I chose to have courage and walk through the fear believing that God was by my side. Celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ is the most wonderful time of the year. About a year ago, I began writing the book, and after completing about 100 pages, I became overwhelmed and disillusioned with the publishing process and stopped. We were trying desperately to suction him, but because he couldn’t open his mouth, we couldn’t get the secretions out. I have spent most of my adult life waiting. It is time I move on and tell the lessons I learned there to others. Because the God I know says He loves me with an everlasting love. While I'm Waiting [Music Download] By: John Waller. While I'm Waiting (Live) (feat. You have to see this!” he exclaimed. As I’ve been reading over TJ’s Caring Bridge posts, I came across a poem my husband posted several years ago. But, on Wednesday, I was going through pictures and came across a few of the kids doing what they love. She dressed him, carried him around, painted his fingernails, and styled his hair with barrettes. Waiting to brought into full time music ministry for the past 7 years, waiting to have a child for the past 3 years.. waiting for the adoption of my nephew to go through for 3 years. During this hospitalization, Tom was fighting Leukemia, but he’d had a variety of health issues for many years prior. We had done all we could do for him and taken him everywhere we could think of, and it was time to let him go. Despair was knocking on the door, and it was a battle to fight it off. We had been through four months of uncertainty and unimaginable pain and suffering, but we had gotten through it. I saw them walking up and I was in complete disbelief. This means that if you purchase a product from one of these links, myself or another blogger may earn a commission. Months after the funeral and shock wore off, although Chandler was still incredibly sad, we began to see a beautiful spirit emerge from inside of her. In the beginning of TJ’s hospitalization, she was frustrated and didn’t understand why God would bring her here to be TJ’s caregiver just to sit in a hospital day after day with him, but after TJ’s death, she was able to look back and see God’s loving hand orchestrating her move back home at just the right time so she could spend every single day of the last three months of TJ’s life with him. Finally, after a few years of living away, in the fall of 2017, they were unexpectedly in a good place where it was the perfect time to move back home. $9.49. John Waller. My mind ran the gamut of what ifs, and I burst into tears. My niece, Christian, and her sweet baby, Elliott, were surprising us with a visit! Either way, their refusal to join with me in my laughter made me laugh even more. It was a tender place where my soul was cared for, and I felt the presence, love, and mercy of the Lord. “And He said, ‘My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.’”Exodus 33:14, “What I am doing you do not understand now, but afterward you will understand.”John 13:7. Новые христианские песни, слушать онлайн прославление и скачать / download mp3. Because she had dealt with serious illness before, Janet was great at giving advice. She was wonderful at it. The nurses told me the sickest kids are in the corner rooms because the corner rooms are the largest. So, in other words, it was just the internal pep talk I needed to get me through a long week! “Kelly, come down here! 6 people found this helpful. I am among all truly blessed. Yesterday, it caught my attention, and the memories began flooding in. S youth pastor and kids from his abundance we have ePub version too... My excitement in we do not understand what God values is different and better than what I many! 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