A surge suppressor includes a circuit breaker that will protect equipment from damage from a surge in electricity (e.g. In the great strike in the South Wales coal-field in 1898 he addressed, together with Robert Smillie, huge meetings of miners, and in the general election of 1906 he was reelected to Parliament for Merthyr Tydfil. A Latin memoir of Tamerlane by Perondinus, printed in 1600, entitled Magni Tamerlanis scytharum imperatoris vita, describes Timur as tall and bearded, broad-chested and broadshouldered, well-built but lame, of a fierce countenance and with receding eyes, which express cruelty and strike terror into the lookers-on. You don't strike me as the type to feed ducks. It was in this prison that she went on her first hunger strike and 8 days later was released. Then moving farther in the same direction he resolved to strike at the root of the evil by the exercise of his imperial authority. south of Central Mount Stuart, to strike into Western Australia. These charges strike at the top of the copyright piracy supply chain " . 2. 3. The Apollo Sauroctonus (after Praxiteles), copied in bronze at the Villa Albani in Rome and in marble at Paris, is a naked, youthful, almost boyish figure, leaning against a tree, waiting to strike a lizard climbing up the trunk. A skilful driller never allows his jars to strike on the downstroke, they are only used to jar down when the tools stick on some obstruction in the well before reaching the bottom, and in fishing operations. to telescope the jars for the next blow coming up. A noun phrase has a noun or pronoun as the main word, and acts like a noun in a sentence. The strike of miners in the Pas de Calais after the disaster at Courrieres, leading to the threat of disorder on the 1st of May 1906, obliged him to employ the military; and his attitude in the matter alienated the Socialist party, from which he definitely broke in his notable reply in the Chamber to Jean Jaures in June 1906. Anything that would indicate where his next strike would fall. It is also made to strike vertically downwards. His friends determined to strike, and Hanriot ordered the National Guards to hold themselves in readiness. Examples of strike in a sentence. deep. Shorten them and your readers will thank you. For this purpose the tiger will leave its retreat in the dense jungle, proceed to the neighbourhood of a village or gowrie, where cattle feed, and during the night steal on and strike down a bullock, drag it into a secluded place, and then remain near the "murrie" or "kill," for several days, until it has eaten it, when it will proceed in search of a further supply, and, having found good hunting ground in the vicinity of a village or gowrie, continue its ravages, destroying one or two cows or buffaloes a week. He intended that Spain should very soon have ready twenty-eight sail of the line - "ce qui est certes bien peu de chose" - so as to drive away the British squadrons, and then he would strike "de grands coups" in the autumn. He is a left footed goal kicker with the ability to strike the ball a long way out of hand. Should he be provoked, he has no problem with having to strike his attacker in self-defense. encampment from the upper end whereas Custer decided to strike further downstream. Processions of many thousands of workmen were organized, in Stockholm and in other towns of the kingdom, just before the Riksdag began the discussion on the above-mentioned bill of the government, and when the bill was introduced in the chambers a general and wellorganized strike took place and continued during the three days the debate on the bill lasted. To use the Strike-Out feature, click on Strike-Out button in the Edit drop down menu. This comes after a successful strike ballot by the RMT over threats to pensions on the privatized railways. Schroeder has argued that a strike against Baghdad could wreck the international anti-terror coalition and throw the Middle East into turmoil. 17 people chose this as the best definition of strikebreaker: A person who is active in... See the dictionary meaning, pronunciation, and sentence examples. Death will take a ruby from it, place the ruby in your hands, you will strike my head with it. Make your writing shine. 2. have an emotional or cognitive impact upon. "Strike" can either be a noun [a person, place, or thing] or a verb [an action]. "Isn't it fine, eh, Uncle Ignat?" He'd blocked the strike that probably would've killed the woman who betrayed him, saving her instead. The Jews, Chaldeans and Babylonians began the day at the rising of the sun; the Athenians at the fall; the Umbri in Italy began at midday; the Egyptians and Romans at midnight; and in England, the United States and most of the countries of Europe the Roman civil day still prevails, the day usually commencing as soon as the clock begins to strike 12 P.M. His first act was to strike at the faithful ministers of Charles VII. In June and July 1907 there were again disturbances among the agricultural laborers of Ferrala and Rovigo, and a widespread strike organized by the leg/fe throughout those provinces caused very serious losses to all concerned. Twelve of the 14 have already started a hunger strike to focus attention on the injustice which is now taking place. Among the revelations put forth in Mecca there is a considerable number of (for the most part) short suras, which strike every attentive reader as being the oldest. Strike. "Want to see what a Lucky Strike Green Flat Fifty tin looks like?" These ranges appear to belong to two systems. In a sentence, nouns can play the role of subject, direct object, indirect object, subject complement, object complement, appositive, or adjective. Instinctively, he blocked another strike of lightening while absorbing a second. 287+66 sentence examples: 1. The emperor seemed to be threatening the independence of the North, and in terror and resentment the Scandinavian peoples turned first to strike at the encroaching Frank, and soon after to assail the other Christian kingdoms which lay behind, or on the flank of, the Empire. Chinese tombs are among the objects that strike the traveller's attention at Amboyna and other ancient settlements. Alarmed, Taran turned in time to see the man with eyes the color of Vara's strike his father down. Lord Rosebery's personal popularity had been increased at home by his successful intervention in the coal strike of December 1893, and when in March 1894 the resignation of Gladstone was announced, his selection by Queen Victoria for the premiership was welcomed by the public at large and by the majority of his own party. Steve Lowe's piece this week, about homework and other maters, may strike a chord! Nouns form a large proportion of English vocabulary and they come in a wide variety of types. It is possible that the London dockers' strike was not without its influence on the minds of the Australian Labour leaders. Step 2: With the mouse pointer over the text you wish to "strike-out", hold down the left mouse button and drag to draw a line over the text. Rodgers would have preferred to keep his command together, and to strike with it at the main course of British commerce, but he was overruled. 4. So far, many possible strike dates have been kicked around. The fleet was despatched with extraordinary rejoicings, and amidst loud and confident expressions of its certain triumph. Thousands of lecturers set to strike Czech government bans communists Cripes! The missile will strike the enemy territory in the middle of the night, unless it is. The terrible defeat of the 40-hour strike in 1919 and the engineers ' lockout of 1922 killed off the shop stewards movement. With the strike only an hour old a woman died in a house fire as RAF firefighters raced to the scene. The weakness of the government in dealing with the strike riots caused a feeling of profound dissatisfaction, and the so-called experiment of liberty, conducted with the object of conciliating the extreme parties, proved a dismal failure. The hammer must strike the nail in order to join two pieces of wood effectively. Any horizontal fissure in a weak place would, in the nature of things, strike somewhere a stronger place, and the final failure would be deferred. This had the desired effect, and although the Sindacato dci ferrovieri (railway servants union) threatened a general railway strike if the dismissed men were not reinstated, there was no further trouble. As the elections to the Convention were close at hand, the Commune resolved to strike the public with terror by the slaughter of its prisoners. 2 The strategical problem for Japan was, how to strike a blow sufficiently decisive to secure her object, before the at present insignificant forces of the East Siberian army were augmented to the point of being unassailable. Even from her grave, Princess Diana can still strike a chord of fear in her former in-laws. a military attack, especially by aircraft dropping bombs. garden-path sentence noun. diagnosis of tuberculosis can still strike fear in individuals and can also cause stigmatization to patients and their families. They determined to strike first, and on the great day of Thermidor it was Tallien who, urged on by the danger in which his beloved lay, opened the attack upon Robespierre. One attempt at calling a general strike was effectively suppressed by members of the SAW and ANC who had escaped the police dragnet. In January 1903 an insurrection of peasants armed with scythes took place at Fundao; the imposition of a new market tax provoked riots at Coimbra in March; a serious strike of weavers took place at Oporto in June. The Gurkhas, however, in 1788 and following years continued to strike coins of progressively debased quality, which were rude imitations of the old Nepalese mintage, and to endeavour to force this currency on the Tibetans, eventually making the departure of the latter from old usage a pretext for war and invasion. lorry drivers, fearing attacks by the Taliban, opposition forces or US strike aircraft, are understandably refusing to leave the cities. ", Whether, therefore, the air strikes the wings from below, or the wings strike the air from above, the result is the same, - the posterior or flexible margins of the wings yield in an upward direction, and in so doing urge the bird in a horizontal direction.". Feilden notes as suggestive that, though the explorers have not met with this formation on the northern shores of Greenland, yet it was observed that a continuation of the direction of the known strike of the limestones of Feilden peninsula, carried over the polar area, passes through the neighbourhood of Spitsbergen, where the formation occurs, and contains certain species identical with those of the Grinnell Land rocks of this horizon. It is penetrated by numerous spurs of this range, which strike the sea abruptly at right angles to the coast, and in many cases plunge down into it sheer. The rioters in and around Chicago were dispersed in a single day, and within a week the strike was broken. The miners of the village worked on the hall for free during the miners strike of 1926. miners ' strike of 1938 dealt with American labor issues including the " right to strike " . That strike had been liberally helped by the Australian unions, and it was confidently predicted that, as the Australian workers were more effectively organized than the English unions, a corresponding success would result from their course of action. Moreover, in point of fact, all natural wings, and all artificial wings constructed on the natural type, invariably strike downwards and forwards. ‘Strike me lucky, that's business hypocrisy at its worst!’ ‘Strike me lucky, I am beginning to sound like a whinger.’ ‘Every day I try to beat everyone else but, strike me pink, the number of times I was slowed down by some commuter bike getting in my way!’ ‘Strike me pink if I know what to make of it!’ strike in a sentence - Use "strike" in a sentence 1. The centre of disturbance was the Pullman strike at Chicago, whence the disorder extended to the Pacific coast, causing riot and bloodshed in many places. Postal workers POSTAL WORKERS in Watford have rejected a deal to end their strike. On the 10th of April 1845 a considerable portion of the city was swept by fire, and in July 1877, during the great railway strike of that year, a large amount of property was destroyed by a mob. Tables, about 500 B.C., was intended to strike at the evil by providing a maximum rate of interest. first strikeplaced Royals eventually won the match 1-0 thanks to a first half strike from phenomenal forward Dave Kitson. The Norman barons had refused to strike a blow for John, and the cities had shown but a very passive and precarious loyalty to him. The most picturesque glen lakes, however, lie in transverse valleys, which being cut across the strike of the rocks present greater variety and, usually, abruptness of outline. The ever-increasing financial burdens," the Note went on, " strike at the root of public prosperity. Henceforth England was safe from coast raids, could conduct her commerce with Flanders without danger, and could strike without difficulty at any point of the French littoral. Young shoots which have become moderately firm generally make the best cuttings, but sometimes the very softest shoots strike more readily. From these streets others strike at right angles down to the harbour, while others again lead obliquely up towards the Belt, beyond which are extensive suburbs. Workers threatened to take strike action. During the great sailors' strike at Marseilles in 1904 he showed pronounced sympathy with the socialistic aims and methods of the strikers, and a strong feeling was aroused that his Radical sympathies tended to a serious weakening of the navy and to destruction of discipline. When the worn-out old Emperor was succeeded by an immature boy, the serious, positive and somewhat " schoolmasterish " Kdrber did not strike the right note with him. For some time the majority of the white officials were on strike, while certain native tribes rose in revolt. Already in April 1919, during a strike of telephone operators in Boston, he had proposed that the state take over the lines, but the trouble was soon settled. This he remarks in explanation of the order of his version in some places, which he feels may strike his friend Gaudentius as unusual, the inference being that the other edition was the better-known one, although it lacked "the transformation of Simon" (i.e. 2. The long axis of the bird is inclined obliquely upwards and forwards, and the wings strike, not downwards and backwards, but downwards and forwards (c of fig. powerless to prevent the successful strike which did take place. The main reason why sentences are confusing is that they are too long. A widely-held view in Tehran is that the pragmatic conservatives are keener to strike a bargain with the US than are the liberal reformists. Upon one famous occasion in 1892 he succeeded in bringing to a peaceful solution a long and bitter strike which had divided the masters and men in the Durham collieries; and his success was due to the confidence which he inspired by the extraordinary moral energy of his strangely "prophetic" personality, at once thoughtful, vehement and affectionate. 25, a strike began without further notice on Sept. Word Forms +-singular: sentence: plural: sentences: DEFINITIONS 2. In great anger and indignation he marched off towards the north, with his hired soldiery, swear- * ing to pm~nish the barons who had taken the leitd in the strike which had defeated his purpose. They decided to launch a pre-emptive strike. The strike of the old crystalline rocks follows, in general, the main direction of the islands (S.W. They are swept north by the wind till they strike upon the outer ranges of the Himalayas. His intervention in Scotland in 1 5591560 showed that he could strike on occasion; and his action over the execution of Mary, queen of Scots, proved that he was willing to take responsibility from which Elizabeth shrank. Examples of Strike in a sentence. For the duration of the Artillery Strike, your designated target will appear on their Command Map and Mortar sights as a targeting reticule. Free-rooting subjects strike in any lightish sandy mixture; but difficult subjects should have thoroughly well-drained pots, a portion of the soil proper for the particular plants made very sandy, and a surfacing of clean sharp silver sand about as deep as the length of the cutting. And what perhaps would first strike an unprejudiced critic in Taylor's examples of conflicting ideals or antagonistic yet ultimate moral judgments would be the perception that they are not necessarily moral ideas or judgments at all, and hence necessarily not ultimate. depending on its usage in a sentence. said the boy, suddenly beginning to strike the keyboard with both hands. It successfully resisted the attacks of Hannibal; and it is noteworthy that it continued to strike copper coins even under Augustus and Tiberius. But the Terror could not be maintained at the same pitch: Robespierre began to see that he must strike at many of his own colleagues in the committees if he was to carry out his theories, and Tallien was one of the men condemned with them. To suppress them, and to gain a better market for his own ideas, he was even ready to strike up an alliance with the Jesuits, and force on a reluctant France the-doctrine of papal' infallibility. the strike of the Silurian folds in the Southern Uplands, the boundary fault, and the ridges of the Old Red Sandstone, and pursues its northwesterly course across the abundant and often powerful dislocations of the Carboniferous system. Since the mineral occurs in definite veins, a more satisfactory and economical method of working would be that adopted in metalliferous mines, with a vertical shaft, cross-cuts, and levels running along the strike of the vein: the mica could then be extracted by overhead stopping, and the waste material used for filling up the worked-out excavations. Certainly he needed her support during that campaign; but many good judges have inclined to the belief that the whole-hearted support of Poles and Lithuanians would have been of still greater value, and that the organization of their resources might well have occupied him during the winter of 1812-1813, and would have furnished him with a new and advanced base from which to strike at the heart of Russia in the early summer of 1813. Her first strike might as well have been in slow motion; no one moved like he did with brute strength that flattened her after a particularly harsh block. misjudge badly the difficulty in going on strike. It has been used in combination with potassium chlorate as a composition for matches to strike on any surface. The force of the strike knocked everyone off their feet and deadened the firelight, except for the torches in the corners. are immediately above those in the fixed plate, and let the bellows by which air is forced into the cylinder (air, for simplicity, being supposed to be the fluid employed) be put in action; then the air in its passage will strike the side of each opening in the movable plate in an oblique direction (as shown in fig. Definition of Strike. 1918 Kurt Eisner was prosecuted at Munich on a charge of treason for inciting munition workers to strike. I must be sure before I strike and not leave the psychic one behind to torment me. The chief of the bureau of labour statistics is directed in case of danger of a strike or lockout to seek to mediate between the parties and if unsuccessful in that, then to endeavour to secure their consent to the formation of a board of arbitration. A coal miner's strike begins in Britain and is followed by a general strike and martial law. nursery nurses from Falkirk, Stirling, Dundee, Perth & Kinross, Fife, all start two days of strike action today. However, its input into the miners ' strike was somewhat muted. retaliate against attack can also be used to strike first. If the wings were to strike backwards in aerial flight, the bird would turn a forward somersault. A nationwide general strike which paralyzed the entire country was accompanied by an armed Rebellion. appointed with the living Chinese artists, and resolved to strike out a style of his own, based upon that ofthe old masters. In 1910 he published A Brief History of the Dockers' Union, commemorating the 1889 dockers' strike, and in 1911 A History of the London Transport Workers' Strike. Types of nouns. This brought the intervention of the Chinese, who drove the Gurkhas out of Tibet (1792), and then began to strike silver coins for Lhasa use, bearing Chinese and Tibetan characters. detainees with vouchers to try and break the strike. Despite picket lines at Swiss Cottage and Kilburn branches, however, services stayed up and running as the strike action proved patchy. Keppel was ordered to strike his flag in March 1779. This widespread discontent came to a head with a two month long strike in 1812. I do not blame the failure of the strike … Although the rocks throughout the Southern Uplands have a persistent northeasterly and south-westerly strike, and though this trend is apparent in the bands of more rugged hills that mark the outcrop of hard grits and greywackes, nevertheless geological structure has been much less effective in determining the lines of ridge and valley than in the Highlands. The most successful mode of forming roots is to place the cuttings in a mild bottom-heat, which expedites their growth, even in the case of many hardy plants whose cuttings strike roots in the open soil. gaolu could tell he wasnt pleased with his strike against Rochdale but his first league jail at The Valley was well taken. In fact, the threatening danger forced his hand and compelled him to strike before he had collected a sufficient army for his defensive needs. The chief event of the year 1899 was the great strike of 40,000 artisans, which cost Denmark 50,000,000 crowns, and brought about a reconstruction of the cabinet in order to bring in, as minister of the interior, Ludwig Ernest Bramsen, the great specialist in industrial matters, who succeeded (September 2-4) in bringing about an understanding between workmen and employers. A few similar badge examples are known from the 1992 campaign against pit closures plus the 1972 miners strike. He doesn't strike me or anyone as the sort of character who can be swayed by mere flattery. The few revolutionary militants who were leading the strike were doubtless a pole of regroupment for some of them. One practice which is especially prevalent, so as to strike every casual visitor, and dates from the early years of the empire, is that of filling up the flutings of the columns for about one-third of their height with a thick coat of stucco, so as to give them the appearance of being smooth columns without flutings below, and only fluted above. Although this crisis followed on the great strike the B g ? The Gallic trooper sent to strike off the old man's head quailed, it is said, before the fire of his eyes, and fled exclaiming, "I cannot kill Gaius Marius.". Thousands of workmen went on strike, demanding better wages and the suffrage. In the Transvaal gold region (South Africa), a number of shafts have been sunk to strike the reef at about 4000 ft. At dawn this regiment found itself isolated but in possession of the fort, and the open gorges of the row of forts tempted the audacious commander to strike out right and left along the ridge. Problem Gerunds duschcn, to strike or fall), one who uses, or the.art of using, the dowsing-rod (called "deusing-rod" by John Locke in 1691), or "striking-rod" or divining-rod, for discovering subterranean minerals or water. A general strike at the universities was averted by a compromise, by which Wahrmund was transferred from the pious land of Tirol to Prague, which was more than he had desired. He did not scruple, for instance, to strike out of the lists of witnesses to medieval charters, before publishing them, the names of families which he disliked. British English: strike / straɪk / NOUN When there is a strike , workers stop doing their work for a period of time, usually in order to try to get better pay or conditions for themselves. A strike of the Newcastle miners, after lasting twenty-nine weeks, came to an end in January 1890, and throughout the rest of the year there was great unrest in Labour circles. Prolog ' First Strike ' opens the story with a high ranking military personnel being escorted to a secured US location. In 1864 a tremendous flood almost ruined it, and another flood in 1878, and a famous strike in Denver and Leadville in 1879-1880 were further, but only momentary, checks to its prosperity. in length drains to the north-east, parallel to the general strike of the mountain system into the transverse course of the Oxus, which it joins nearly opposite to the lateral valleys of Yaz Ghulam and Wanj. Farther south, at VienTiane, the Mekong passes through a gorge cut in sandstone, arkose and schists with a similar strike; while at Lakhon there are steeply inclined limestones which strike north-west. When Cuba was the chief sugar-producing country making clayed sugars it was the custom (followed in refineries and found advantageous in general practice) to discharge the strike of crystallized sugar from the vacuum pan into a receiver heated below by steam, and to stir the mass for a certain time, and then distribute it into the moulds in which it was afterwards clayed. The first two days of the strike tested the mettle of both sides. As one-off gestures went our 24-hour strike was highly effective even if we couldn't publicize it in our own paper. The change in the sound due to the falling drops as they strike the bottom of the sink should be noticed, as well as that in the appearance of the jet. deadlock in the 28th minute with a superb strike. The purpose of verbing is to make what we say immediate and to-the-point. Once again, the course of history hinged on the outcome of a preemptive strike. Strike is a 6 letter word, used as a noun or as a verb, grade 4, with Middle English origins, and has the letters eikrst (eikrst). Almost the only reconquest made was that of the city of Limoges, which was stormed in September 1370 by the troops of the Black Prince, who rose from his sick-bed to strike his last blow at the rebels. pitiless struggle, leaving the organizations that had been actively engaged in the strike severely weakened. The first strike was on Tuesday May 13, called by all the main union confederations. The reason assigned for these extraordinary diversions of the drainage right across the general strike of the ridges is that it is antecedent - i.e. I was keen to strike up a conversation The valley of the Garry and Tay crosses the strike of all the Highland rocks, traverses the great fault on the Highland border, and finally breaks through the chain of the Sidlaw Hills at Perth. 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