how to keep employees engaged during work from home
Do you use different communication channels and tools for different purposes? . The potential to work flexible hours, the ability to stay home with pets and children, and traveling while still earning a paycheck are just a few. Modern offices are generally equipped with state-of-art tools and technologies. Video meetings should be reserved for discussion and urgent issues and they should only involve people who have something to contribute to them. Online learning platforms offer a wide range of courses from music to playing various instruments to creative arts to self-defence. Do your employees know exactly what is expected of them while they work from home? Ann Francke, head of Chartered Management Institute, rightly said, "This is unprecedented. This is why you should introduce virtual water cooler space! Check out 25 fun ideas for your next “Virtual coffee break”! Try sending out these surveys at least once a month. Working from the confines of one’s home in a lockdown situation takes a toll on engaging remote employees. Most of the time, it is the employees who bear the cost of getting the tools and other resources they need for the job. Organizations could also promote peer-to-peer learning among employees; this can become a medium for peer engagement. To keep the workflows moving, create a virtual office for employees. Set clear deliverables and specific metrics that will enable you to track outcomes and measure results effectively. Everything that your Career Site shouldn't, but might miss! To make that clear for all your employees, you should institute a remote work policy or so-called “remote work playbook”. Or do you have some rules (such as: no phones or checking messages, be on time, etc.)? But just in case you need some help introducing one of these ideas to your C-suite and your team leaders, I’ve prepared a few handy stats to help you out. Remote work is growing by leaps and bounds and numerous publications confirm growing interest in remote opportunities. Personal interactions are essential part of each company culture because they make work meaningful and enjoyable. Life @ Work Keeping employees engaged during the lockdown. Establish some ground rulesAre your “virtual coffee breaks” completely casual and optional? Here are six ways you can keep your team productive while they are working from home … To promote their physical wellbeing, it can be a great time to incorporate a wellness application and share it with your employees. It brings about questions: "How do you manage … Adopting these fun tips and tricks to keep the employees engaged while they work from home could do wonders for your organization. How Can Chatbots Improve Employee Experience? 1. Amazon announced a $5 million relief fund for small businesses in the vicinity of its headquarters, while Google is pledging $1 million to organizations in Mountain View, California, impacted by the pandemic. The most important part of conducting employee engagement surveys is to act on them! Check out their “Guide to all-remote”! If buying laptops in bulk in this scenario is not feasible, you should offer compensation or discount offers plans for them. Presenting 11 major areas that managers need to keep an eye on to maximise the effectiveness of your new Work-From-Home setting: When employees suddenly start working away from their regular setting, they are bound to feel a little lost and demotivated. Building and maintaining strong employee engagement can be challenging when you have remote employees - especially if they’re not used to remote work. Chances are your employees will have to attend a lot of video calls and meetings while working remotely. What motivates them? According to Achievers’ 2020 Engagement & Retention Report, “43% of employees are looking for or would consider leaving their company because of career advancement”.Offering growth opportunities to your remote employees, even during times of crisis, will help drive employee motivation and job satisfaction. ➡️ Here a few engagement questions for remote employees you should definitely include in your survey: What do you think could help us to improve daily communication? The key to managing remote teams successfully is a meaningful goal-setting. juggle between a lot of things simultaneously. You and your employees … Invite your team members to respond with a photo, video or a funny GIF! Invest in tools that will make it easy for employees to participate in work activities and accomplish their tasks. same, we actively search for new ways to become more efficient and agile. She s an industry leader with a diverse experience across HR , Marketing and Communications. employees are trying to have a virtual karaoke party. There are many different ways to do it, but I suggest you start with something very simple and absolutely free. It's important that the organization (managers) display trust in their team at this point. If you’re reading this blog post, you probably know just how important it is to have motivated and engaged employees. Therefore, you should encourage your remote employees to stay engaged and join the conversations even if they are not physically there. Coaches help assess where a person is and where they want to be, then guide each person through a strategy to reach their goals. Create a forum for employees to share personal as well as professional updates. Most managers now have made it mandatory for the team to report deliverables every day, which was not the case before this outbreak. Invest in the best video conferencing and collaboration tools. Along with expert advice, these messages often include a genuinely personal element, i.e., assuring them that none of their fellow employees has tested positive for the virus (where applicable) and urging employees not to panic or spread rumours. Check out their “The ultimate guide to remote work”! Make use of instant messaging like Skype and Slack to always stay on the loop. ), your employees are far more likely to be engaged when they feel like they still have their community of coworkers and friends. These courses can prove to be great mood boosters and stress-reliever for your employees. Keep it up to one to two “tables” maxIf you have larger teams, break your “virtual coffee breaks” into smaller groups so that each person can be heard. tips for short, but efficient check-in meetings, 25 fun ideas for your next “Virtual coffee break”, 52 creative virtual team building activities, 20 ideas for employee recognition programs. However, if you want to keep your employees engaged during your video meetings, make sure not to schedule them too often. If you want to keep employees from calling in sick or using excuses to avoid work on beautiful days, make Fridays (or other days) more flexible.Have summer hours or shifts, if possible. And this sudden transition can massively hamper the internal communication of the organization. It's a great time for employees to learn what they have always wanted to and a great time for managers to facilitate that. Insightful articles, best practices and trends in HR innovation, A free resource center with practical guides on HR management, Listen to thought leaders on best HR practices and trends. Make sure employees feel heard and valued. The entire world has been hit by a pandemic that has no cure yet, and the only proven prevention is maintaining social distance. With the current outbreak of the coronavirus, keeping up good health has become a matter of utmost importance. To overcome these challenges, employers should explore new ways to manage and collaborate with employees and enable more ways for employees to connect with each other. ➡️How to do it? At the office, coffee breaks tend to be spontaneous - people simply swing by their colleague’s desk and invite them for a quick coffee break. What do they feel about this culture change around work? A cloud-based employee benefits/discounts platform or a company that provides this service can now become the way to go. Some studies suggest it can increase productivity by a nywhere from 4.4-13%, thanks to factors like increased comfort. Everyone will need to embrace a different sort of workplace behaviour.". Considering the current environment, Shruthi shares some Tips on how to engage the workforce given her background of working in key areas of Employee engagement and Employee Experience. Thanks to technology, working-from-home can now be remarkably smooth and productive. Use these five tips to keep your employees engaged: Adjust your mindset. this thing now applies heavily in our professional lives, where we have to . A mobile wellness application will enable employees to take part in various health tasks which can be easily done while staying indoors. ➡️ However, make sure that you have at least some of your check-in meetings via video conferencing tools, with your cameras ON. One of the top seeking criteria for employees at work is personal and professional development. Your remote employees might be facing different challenges, but you won’t know about them unless you ask. Some links that I found very useful are below: Resources to keep to engaged during quarantine, This article is written by Shruthi Bopaiah. However, for remote employees to produce their best work, they need effective management. A program that can look after your employees' wellbeing and at the same time, keep them active is quite a thoughtful step that employers and managers can take. Nothing can replace the human connection that is formed by looking someone in the eye - even if it is only via video conferencing! At what time of the day should your employees be available online and through which channels? This is extremely important because remote employees who feel lonely and isolated can experience performance declines of up to 21%, according to Gallup research. These are video calls where employees connect virtually to take breaks, socialize, have their water cooler conversations. Getting creative—virtually “It is important to keep the team in positive spirits. Privacy |
As the entire world lies crippled with a viral pandemic forcing everyone to stay in self-isolation, delivering employee recognition has become a matter of concern for HR executives worldwide. So, during this global crisis, a pandemic, organizations have risen to make a move towards containing this disaster. ➡️ At the end of the workday on each Friday, gather your team for a short, half an hour video meeting. Working from home doesn't have to mean working alone. Learn how to hire and manage a great team REMOTELY, and receive proven techniques and insights that you can apply immediately for better success when working with a remote team! Invite your video meeting attendees to wear a funny hat or show off their pets. According to a study by Slack, 85% of workers want to feel closer to their remote colleagues. 3. . At ABInBev, employees connected virtually for their recently held GCC Total Rewards Townhall to not only talk about the wellbeing of the team and families, functional updates and projects, but it was symbolic of the spiritedness. ☕. These conversations seem effective in preventing potential burnout and isolation. Are you happy with your productivity level? It is not likely your remote employees will feel your daily stand up meetings are an appropriate place to address their concerns. Still, know that there is an adjustment period as your team moves to a full-time work-from-home situation. These have a direct correlation with the quality of work. Do Not Sell My Personal Information. As humans, we continuously try to evolve in every aspect of our lives. The working style of a regular 9 to 5 worker is quite different than someone who has always worked remotely. Why is it important that your employees are emotionally invested in their job and the company? Tips to Keep Employees Engaged and Motivated when they are Working-From-Home (WFH). Conduct virtual meetings from time to time to take updates and ensure that things are on track. They love to be in a job that helps them learn new skills and grow as individuals. You need to dive deep and learn about their struggles. Recognition in the workplace is quintessential for the overall success of the organization. Collaborate with us to provide your employees an engaging and rewarding experience. They must be missing out on their gym routines and physical activity, in general, must have drastically reduced. Communication channelsWhat communication channels and tools do you use? The advancement of cloud-based HR tools is bridging the gap between managers and employees irrespective of any physical and geographical barriers. Engaging remote employees means that at times, you are going to have to work doubly hard to keep them engaged. This is a step-by-step guide for managers, HR professionals and business owners to design, implement, and improve working-from-home practices for their employees. Engagement is a chief concern for working from home. What changes would they have to cope with? Offer Your Employees Opportunities for Growth. Effective internal communication is key to keeping employees engaged whilst they’re working from home. According to scientific research, knowledge sharing significantly and positively affects employee engagement. They are very easy to implement and cost absolutely nothing. Learners can build a team of certified and deployable talent with 'Virtual Proctored Certifications', which enables learners to complete certification with ease anytime, anywhere. Knowledge sharing in the workplace is the process of sharing expertise, information and skills among employees in a company. ➡️Here are just a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing: If you’re looking for more ideas, check out these 52 creative virtual team building activities! Make sure your team leaders also keep their regular one-on-one meetings as well. So even if you choose to work at coffee shops and coworking spaces, you can show up where and when it works for you. It is not only the role of the Top management, HR, the leaders or managers but also of the employees to make these measures a success and emerge through this as stronger than before. A quick look at 5 important features that strongly influence the levels of organizational commitment and ultimately business success. ➡️ Remote work playbook should provide clear guidelines for: Working hoursDo you have strict working hours or you allow your employees to work whenever they want? Here at Poly, we’ve maintained flexible working practices for years and have learned some things along the way about remote collaboration and keeping employees engaged. . Encouraging productivity . Knowledge sharing among employees enables them to grow at both person and group level, thus driving productivity and innovation. And like a high school cliques, no one likes to be excluded. Working from home over a prolonged period brings its own unique challenges, whether you’re a caregiver or simply because we are all used to being around others during the work day, it is unsettling and overwhelming, to say the least. These paths can be shared with their peers too. While this is standard for employees during all circumstances, communicate that quality and output must remain on par with on-site work. And make sure that they are both clear and admirable. It is also a good idea to have a dedicated timekeeper and facilitator. To help you get started, we created a sample of great employee engagement survey questions! You can name it simply #watercoolerchat or simply #life. Burnout, which is affecting more and more employees, may be something we associate with working in an office, but for employees who are adjusting to a work-from-home schedule, burnout remains a possibility. 5 Ways to Improve Your Employee Experience, 5 Employee Wellness Program Ideas for Remote Workers, How to Set Up a New Hire Mentoring Program During COVID-19, Top 9 Employee Perks and Benefits for Remote Workers, 4 Proven Benefits of Remote Work (for Employers), Employer's Post-COVID Guide: Staff Returning To Work After Furlough. It is the only way of sustaining your business in a time of global crisis like this one. Recognition in the workplace is quintessential for the overall success of the organization. 10, Vasant Arcade, B-7 Market, Nelson Mandela Road Vasant Kunj, world’s largest work-from-home experiment, cloud-based employee benefits/discounts platform. This is a document that explains how your company implements remote work. So how to make sure employees are engaged and motivated even when they are away from their traditional work environment? At Infosys, my own experience was that Learners could choose topics to add to their 'Playlists' and create their learning paths. those in leadership [] Thankfully, most organizations are equipping and have equipped themselves to continue business-as-usual by suddenly shifting gears and adopting work-from-home practices. While you should always consider organizing onsite team buildings if possible, don’t underestimate the power of online team buildings. Work-From-Home: A Definitive Guide For Managers. Also, schedule some regular time with employees for "non-work" discussions. When an organization promotes learning among employees, it will instinctively keep them motivated and engaged. That way, you’ll be able to compare results and see if there are any changes or issues that need to be tackled. Adopting work-from-home practices is the most viable and responsible way to deal with this situation. Do your employees know exactly what is expected of them while they work from home? Keep the Lines of Communication Open. Bring them to the forefront with various digital campaigns and keep employees engaged at the same time. Giving away some awesome employee perks is another great way to keep employees motivated to contribute towards their organization no matter if they're in the office or working remotely. But working-from-home comes with its own set of unique challenges—both for the employees and employers. This process happens relatively spontaneously when employees are working side by side, but when employees are working remotely, you need to put in some effort to structure it. When employees work-from-home, this becomes a massive hurdle typically to your employees' productivity. So whether your employees are taking a break to exercise, get some fresh air or refuel with a healthy, seasonal snack, encourage them to plan those breaks into their days. Communication becomes all the more important when teams are fragmented. According to Gallup research, recognition not only boosts individual employee engagement, but it also has been found to increase productivity and loyalty to the company, leading to higher retention. Looking for ACTIONABLE ideas to engage your employees who are (suddenly) working from home? Setting clear expectations is the first thing you need to do if you want to ensure high engagement among your employees who are working from home. Some of these employee perks include things like exclusive corporate deals from various brands, cashback offers, subsidized insurance plans, tie-ups with hospitals, gift cards, subscription plans and more. Make yourself available to answer any questions and set (or reset) expectations. What type of team building you should organize should be directed by your company culture and your employees' wishes. Considering suggesting a few options and asking your remote employees to choose the one they prefer. Consider using a “General Calendar” where all employees can mark when they plan to work from home. Gallup's data reveal that the most effective recognition is honest, authentic and individualized to each employee. Create a dedicated virtual water cooler space on the Slack or any other messaging chat you use. Remote employees don’t have to fade from culture activities in exchange for the benefits of working from home. . Overcommunicating and staying in touch is the need of the hour. Tips for successful video meetings: Set an example as a nonprofit leader and encourage your remote employees by joining all calls with your video on; Keep it casual! Work with them to build the future of your organization. . At Steyer Content, the organization has a happy hour every Thursday. This empowers employees to continue to dream big and put in their best efforts in such testing times! In such cases, people tend to stop problem-solving and thinking creatively, and instead, do the bare minimum. But during COVID-19, video meetings offer the opportunity to engage remote employees and meet “face-to-face”. Who can your employees turn to for help if they have any difficulties and challenges related to remote work? Do you feel like you can easily reach your colleagues when you need them? 3200 Dallas Parkway, Hall Office Park Suite 200 Frisco Texas 75034, Suite 1A Level 2 802-808 Pacific Highway Gordon NSW – 2072. Here's how to keep your remote employees engaged and productive. How do they think it will change how they feel about their relationship with the organization? While many of us are used to swanky offices in tony districts of our cities and whether we are ready or not, COVID-19 has transitioned many companies to enable remote work at scale. People probably aren’t getting all dressed up to work from home, make sure your co-workers know that their hoodies and … Now that you’ve created a remote workplace environment for some of your direct reports, keep the following eight essential tips in mind to keep employees working from home engaged: 1. Companies with engaged employees report 22% higher profitability, according to Gallup. GitLab is the world's largest all-remote company with over 1,300 team members located in more than 65 countries around the world. Working from home has major perks. Elsewhere, telecom companies have signed the Keep Americans Connected pledge to ensure individuals maintain access to connectivity. Today, most employees want to get trained on the skills of tomorrow, especially courses like AI, Machine Learning & Data Analytics are top-rated across industries. Ways to Keep Remote Workers Engaged. Employees are provided with sessions at 6, 12 and 24 months, and they can choose to focus on personal or professional goals. This online recognition ritual is well accepted by introverts as well, according to Red Shift’s experience. So, how can organizations seize the opportunity and think long-term? What virtual ways to connect do they enjoy most? All of them are very easy and completely free to implement. Here, the only thing that matters is managing one’s time effectively, and for this, many professionals, especially Another thing that’s missing from the virtual office space is the chance for your employees to meet their colleagues by the water coolers and engage in some small talk. Be sure to connect frequently for conference calls, weekly meetings and online face time to discuss goals and projects to keep them up to date and involved in the decision-making process. You can choose to have these meetings via messenger, chat or speaking face-to-face on a video call - whatever works best for your team. Terms &
➡️ Create a kudos channel on the Slack or any other messaging chat you use. When you acknowledge your employees for their outstanding work on time, they feel rejoiced for their … There are many different online activities and games you can use to help your remote employees get to know one another and build stronger connections. “Virtual coffee breaks” are simply short (usually 15 do 30 minutes long) video calls during which your employees come together for a round of small talk over a cup of coffee. Frequent corporate leadership communication (creating an information HUB) - daily, weekly, or as available – this HUB should have the latest/current organization's COVID-19 response, advice, policies and protocols. This is a very serious problem because staying plugged in means your employees aren’t able to rest, which will eventually lead to burnout. Discover 10 great remote employee engagement ideas! With the pandemic forcing employees to isolate themselves, staying indoors for long periods is severely going to impact their mental and physical health. When employees are operating from home, it doesn't mean that they won't be requiring the right pieces of equipment or other necessities. Now that you have your storytelling in place, it’s time to back it up with the numbers: Only 15% of employees are engaged in the workplace, according to Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace research. Make use of instant messaging like Skype and Slack to always stay on the loop. Further, to keep up their morale and boost their moods, you can create virtual team activities like online multiplayer games, quizzes. Check in with your remote employee who is experiencing challenges and make a plan to successfully tackle those challenging issues. Working from home is a true dream scenario for many, but there are a few downsides to making your home your workplace. Bluewolf used the gamification technology and created a #GoingSocial program through various initiatives like an employee 'Pack Profiles' giving rewards and points for external/internal collaboration, where employees could earn points of 50 or more, by publishing a blog post on official company's blog and others. Remote teams can adjust schedules so early birds overlap night owls and time zones line up for at least part of the day. This is why it is essential that you institute an online recognition system for your remote employees. Without a commute to bookend the day, employees may struggle with officially “ending their day” in a way that feels natural and satisfying. She has many accolades in her name including Top 50 SHRM influencer and Top 40 Under 40 HR Leader. Working from home may have its challenges, but it has several benefits, too. ➡️ Here are a few good practices that will help you start online knowledge sharing sessions: Check out some more knowledge-sharing best practices! Corporate social innovation strategies can provide a positive impact on society as well as businesses' bottom lines; It also instils pride in employees to be associated with a brand that is helping the community in this crisis. 9. This article is an attempt to help you in formulating strategies to engage and motivate your employees in this unprecedented time. “Water cooler talk” is the term used to describe casual discussions between co-workers about non-work-related topics. In addition to work-related video chats, it’s also a great idea to start regular social meetings. The best practice is to have a daily team or department check-ins, weekly coordination meetings and monthly all-hands meetings. This is a step-by-step guide for managers to improve WFH practices for their employees. Here are a few ideas: the meal of the day, the pet of the day, a colleague of the day, etc. The scarier part is that nobody knows how long this arrangement has to last. . Banks such as Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase are installing teams at disaster recovery sites and trading facilities at workers' homes. Or you can even encourage them to learn new things and share them with their colleagues. My intention was not just to introduce cool ideas your employees might like and enjoy. . Increasing diversity and inclusion with AI: What makes the fairest recruitment process? According to Buffer’s State of Remote Work 2019, the biggest struggles related to remote work are: Buffer found that 19% of remote workers report loneliness as their top work struggle. Creating a sense of community helps attract strong talent and has a competitive advantage. Online versions of team buildings can be just as effective! It helps to keep employees productive and happy in the workplace, which greatly benefits company growth and business success. The work gradually starts to become monotonous. It fuels their zeal to do better and earn appreciation from their managers and peers. With the Coronavirus outbreak hitting the headlines and more and more companies advising employees to work from home to stay safe (including Poly), people are focusing on the mechanics of working remotely. . Being physically away from work for a longer duration tends to lower the employees’ interest in their jobs. . In this blog post, I’ll share with you 10 actionable ideas you can put in practice right away! We saw many brands donating Masks and also saw brands like Zara offering to make hospital scrubs. 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