There’s going to be a time and a place for this one, and you shouldn’t be deceived by the reusability of this card because in most scenarios you’re only going to get one good use of it before it gets put into your lost pile through resting. Because my party is made up of Spellweaver, Cragheart, and Tinkerer there is a much higher need to fill that heavy-hitting role and less need for crowd control because others are better at doing that. That’s a problem, because that means, for our party, I would have to control one of the other player’s characters. Answer: Hostile TakeoverReplaces: Fearsome Blade, Four for four and four. You’re gonna want to bring it along with you for every campaign. You genuinely can’t go wrong. Initiative 09 means you’re going very ricky-tick, which is handy in the situation mentioned above. No risk to see the name of future scenarios. I absolutely love the idea behind the top action of this card. Apart from that we’ve already got an Attack 5 with Frigid Apparition, so one extra Attack point isn’t gonna sweeten the deal enough. Also take note of the poison that they can lay down. It’s what the Mindthief was made for! – Spoiler Warning – We’re about to take a look at the non-starter cards. If they’re muddled they’ll do less damage, but if you’re 4 hexes away they’ll do no damage at all. If the scenario objective starts with “Kill…” then leave this card behind. The Mindthief is a fast-moving, versatile character that deals out high damage, but has very few hitpoints. These are starting characters, so I wouldn’t be spoiling anything for myself or the group. The top half of this card is a Meat Shield. And who says the Mindthief can’t do ranged attacks! But on the note of doing stuff that is perfectly thematic with your character and wonderfully fun to pull off in a tight situation, being able to loot everything that’s on the ground and then steal a gold off of every enemy who’s adjacent to you is pure bliss. When you’re not looking to move anywhere, attacking twice will seem pretty darn good regardless of whether it’s 2 damage or 4 damage. That’s a helluva lot when you start from 6 HP total. The reason this card is so far down our list is not because it’s bad, but simply because it’s a bit average. If your party already has a character that can dish out heaping helpings of damage then I’d recommend moving Frigid Apparition down and focusing on boosting Perverse Edge’s Range, and adding on a debuff (Disarm or Poison) to Scurry. Which are pushovers? On the map, at least: our heroes have buggered off back to town with their ill-gotten gains. That will amount to an attack with Stun, Move 3, and then Attack 3. Which are pushovers? It’s a great character to play, so I hope you have fun diving into the fray and blowing up some bad guys. If players return to Gloomhaven, once they are finished with their business in town (see Visiting Gloomhaven on pp. Getting 2 Health on every melee attack means you can regain 2 or 4 points of health per round (usually). As damage goes, this one is fur-ocious (this Mindthief guide is not above bad puns). SimplyScenery3Dforge. I gotta leave it there for now. Little ice element sitting pretty there at the bottom. If you’ve got an enemy that has Stun/Disarm or already has some damage on him then the bottom of this card is your “FINISH HIM” Mortal Combat move. If you’ve been paying attention this whole you’ll realize that we’ve already covered off 10 cards, so luckily for you and me you’re not going to have to select any of the cards in this section. I’ve spent a lot of this guide telling you to move around and dodge those hits, but realistically you’re gonna get attacked. The vast majority of the time you’re going to benefit more from doing an extra 2 damage than you are from having a poisoned enemy. The rats may not be able to move around very much, but they have Health 6! This is going to be one of your work horse, vanilla flavoured Attack cards that has some sprinkles of excitement on the bottom. Gloomhaven is such a well thought out game, and one of the mechanics that I love about it is the Loot card is often one of the first cards to be lost. Oh well, on we go! And the monsters are going to hit harder, so this won’t mitigate as much of their impact as it does earlier on. Not quite as easy to use as Fearsome Blade. Well fret not my friend, because if you’ve consumed ice then you can go ahead and collect that experience point anyway, even if the opponent is dead before he can be stunned. If an attack effect is listed on an ability card after an attack, the target (or targets) of the attack is subject to the additional effect as well, after damage from the attack is resolved. Flying, Jump, and forced movements are unaffected by difficult terrain. Summons are tricky to work correctly, and this one has a move of 1, which means they (the rats) are going to get left behind and by the time you’re in the third room they’ve barely moved off the welcome mat. That’s insane. What’s a game you learned you’ve been playing wrong all along? If you’ve already got a support class in your party then there’s nothing to see here on the top of Silent Scream. So you basically get one kick at the can when selecting a lost card on a short rest and if you don’t like the one you lose… well at least it isn’t The Mind’s Weakness. This is a card that is widely frowned upon, but with your permission, Your Honour, I’d like to make a case for it. Check out the situation here: This is going to come up rather frequently. Also, there is no smaller envelope with a sun icon on it, as MagHex Tiles for Gloomhaven I created this base and tile system to allow for fast and easy scenario setup for Gloomhaven. Play it first and protect it at all costs. Select what you want to put on the board from the list of objects in the upper left corner of the screen by left-clicking on the object (Character, Monster, Trap, Hazardous Terrain, Difficult Terrain, Obstacle or Wall). If you take an unexpected bad hit, or your whole party is in over its head, that is when you’re likely going to have to jettison Into The Night. Initiative 14 is good. To build this set you will need: 12 castings of mold #75 ruined fieldstone mold. Long resting allows you to choose the card you lose, which is an incredibly valuable aspect when you’ve put loads of time and effort into picking out your 10. The initiative is lukewarm, but when you’re laying down some hurt on a fool, 29 is still manageable. The bottom half of this one is the rainbow sprinkles to vanilla ice cream. Facebook. Many young Mindthiefs… Mindthieves? Which means you’re right up there in front my friend. Move 3 and Push 2 is going to be useful in many cases and should seriously be considered as a selection. There was plenty of stuff in this list that I know we messed up. $300.00 . Later on we’re going to get into specific attacks, what actions to use and when, but before we dive into specifics it’s very important that you have solid foundational knowledge of movement strategy. But you need to scroll all the way back up to Frigid Apparition before you find the last time we talked about some old fashioned, honest-to-Oak monster killin’ Attacks. Gloomhaven is a seriously tricky game. Do you keep up FAQ and Errata for your favourite games? Empathetic Assault has a way cooler “burner” action, but then you lose your only heal card, and it’s on the top half so you’ll likely be pairing it with a Move action. The primary time I’d recommend forsaking the bottom Move 4 in order to burn this card for the summon is in a time of utmost emergency. Great to be able to pick two of your best cards back up and redo a massive attack without resting. Initiative 11 makes that happen. If you stun (Range 2) and then use Scurry (Move 3, Attack 3), you’re really only going to be able to use Move 1 out of the potential 3 to attack the guy you just stunned. Good value there as burner cards go. It’s a fundamental principle that Gloomhaven is a game of card management. So that’s what we did. Dropping a killer attack on a fool is wicked fun, but unless you’ve got an exit plan, your Vermling is going to end up as roadkill and your party Brute will be scraping you off the dungeon floor…, A tried-and-true method of dishing out damage and stay alive is to go late, move in, punch the enemy in the mouth, and then go early the next turn so that you can smack him in the face one more time before you run away. Without any further ado, let’s get into the analysis of the specific Mindthief cards that we’re working with. And being able to generate ice by yourself, which can set up Frigid Apparition for a smackdown next turn. I love this card. Squeeze every turn you can out of that little rat man! Cast your gaze upward friend, and behold the rarity that makes this such an awesome card… a top-half move. Note that we didn’t actually spoil anything (even though we warned that we might at the start of the show). And then do what the Mindthief does best and go fast. You won’t be able to attack whoever you’re pushing though, unless you’re doing it at range because the push has to come right after the move. This is what you had in mind when you opened up that box just before the Black Barrow. There may come a time when you and your allies are all short on health and the next round is going to bring a whole lot of pain. He might be very squishy, but after two melee attacks from the Mindthief, there isn’t gonna be much of that monster left…Use the depth of high & low initiatives to your advantage. Such a good card for when you want to do something and do it NOW. Even if it comes at the expense of a really handy Move 4. The Spellweaver is great at hitting multiple monsters at once, the Tinkerer at supporting the group and the Brute at attracting the attention of monsters. To The letdown for us is it’s an Attack 2, and there’s nothing The Mind’s Weakness can do about ranged attacks. Get it as soon as Fri, Jan 15. Nice, but not worth losing a card over. But for enemies that you know are going to need multiple rounds of abuse, invisibility is a great alternative to the run away portion., Terraforming Mars FAQ Read Through and Discussion. Healing for the whole crew when you do a melee attack or plus freaking two on that melee attack?? Gloomhaven Dungeon Accessories. Condition is "New". When your job is to protect someone (ie. Move 4 and Jump. Really do. This Mindthief Guide is not just rattling off every card the Mindthief has and saying this is good/bad, I’m going to talk about larger strategy, movement, attacks, looting, items, enhancements! And what do you think is going to be more useful to you while you’re up there? And if you’re really lucky you might be able to line up two. This has the highest base attack of a non-burner card that the MT starts with, and is actually one of the highest of its type amongst the Starting 6. Besides giving us something to stream this sounded like the kind of thing that may actually be useful for people who watch the stream. If your enemies have high shields this is an invaluable work around because retaliate is automatic damage, shields don’t prevent it. 253 Item Cards 17. Very practical if you’re stunning one fool and moving to attack another though. If blunt-force trauma is your game then you’ll hate it. Empathetic Assault + Into The Night: Move 2, Heal 2, Loot 1. This will also allow us to regain the use of our Boots Of Striding, which is a major part of our strategy, and recover 2 points of health, which amounts to 33% of your total when you’re starting out. Artistic. Not worth burning a card on. Update: 07/10/2018 Added revised Earth and Natural Stone Tiles and a test A tile set. Like a fine wine, it pairs quite nicely with Perverse Edge. You’ll find that as the Mindthief levels up the temperature drops below freezing relatively frequent, so the ice element is going to be kicking around more often than not. Seems tempting, right? But Silent Scream is also great, so you can’t really go wrong. They make or break your Gloomhaven run, but which are the most annoying? Comes as a necessity for a Summon card because they can’t move on the first round and if they get summoned early they could get rinsed before they do anything. (grumble grumble $%&^*%# Cragheart, stupid paperweight). Curse can be great, but it’s a long term play, and you generally want to send 3-4 curses the enemy’s way within a scenario in order to make it more impactful. Try my Maghex Walls for Gloomhaven. It’s great for those times when something is just out of reach. We started at the top and discussed many of the questions in detail while skimming over some of the more obvious ones answered pretty clearly in the rulebooks. The flexibility of this card is bread and butter for us, but because you’re starting out with an attack you’re going to need to be beside the target already, or pair this up with Scurry for a turn that goes: Move 3, Attack 3 (4 if you enhanced it), Attack 4, Move 3, Attack 4. That means even if a card is hot garbage, you can still use the top action as a default attack 4. Then you also infuse the ICE element and collect yourself a well earned experience point! If only we had a useful card that could generate ice…. So I wouldn’t fret too much about cashing that bad boy in for a +1 Push, especially if it’s bumping it up to Push 3. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "ab62eb90b43b5995a0945e9707dc6733" );document.getElementById("e6f3eee448").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); I understand that my comment, name & email will be stored as data by The Inox, the Orchids, the Quatryls, for example, start you on the journey of exploration into both the understanding of your character and the far corners of the Gloomhaven world. I'm still working on the design, but I think I have it mostly nailed down now. Both push and pull effects are considered movements, however, they are not affected by difficult terrain. Even the initiative is 4×4! This set will make all the walls and floors needed to play every scenario in the game book. Press alt + / to open this menu. You’re kicking off the game with 30 gold burning a hole in your pocket! The top half of Fearsome Blade is another Attack 4, but this time you send this sucker flying across the room with a Push 3! I’m going to try and put them in order of importance, but you know, different situations, different ways to play, yadda yadda. That’s enough mileage to push whatever poor sap you’re attacking into any trap that’s in the same area code. When you’re dealing with 6 points of health, this card is a MUST to have in your repertoire. Attack 4 and Range 5, my goodness! And if the fool does survive this massive hit and stunning, well he’s not going to be much use anyhow, is he? The first thing I’ll mention is Into The Night’s invisibility half is tough to execute in an ideal way because you can’t use it with a regular bottom-half movement. Initiative 11 is a really important aspect of this card because when you need to heal yourself, you don’t want to do it after all the ugly mean guys have had another turn, you want to do it NOW. I highly recommend pairing this with Frigid Apparition for maximum pain dealing potential. Striding. Not bad by any means, but nothing to write home to the rats’ nest about. Collaborate and listen. Despite its occasional difficulty spikes, I adore Gloomhaven, the tabletop game. Take this card with you for the movement! This is a prime example of a card that would get randomly picked as your loss card on a short rest and your heart breaks a little bit. item 3 Gloomhaven Nature terrain pack, handmade READY TO PLAY,painted, resin, 56 pieces - Gloomhaven Nature terrain pack, handmade READY TO PLAY,painted, resin, 56 pieces. I’ve put it down low in terms of importance, but that is from the perspective of the scenario. There’s a problem with that though. Maybe by 2040. Gloomhaven - Early Access RoadmapAbout the GameWhether you are drawn to the lands of Gloomhaven by the call of adventure or by an avid desire for gold glimmering in the dark, your fate will surely be the same.Gloomhaven, the digital adaptation of the acclaimed board game, mixes Tactical-RPG and dungeon-crawling. We are experiencing this game for the first time but are both experienced Gloomhaven players. That means if you have a big group of idiots and you only feel like attacking one of them (because, you know… Mindthief) you can shove all of his buddies out of the way and leave only one behind. A New Map of Gloomhaven and Sticker Sheet for Jaws of the Lion: The map board for Jaws of the Lion is much smaller than the full Gloomhaven map and features a much smaller area of the world, just focusing on the town of Gloomhaven itself. Replaces: Submissive Affliction. Without getting too deep into it, that sort of build would focus on preventing enemy damage (stun/disarm/immobilize) and as such the bottom half of this card would fit in quite nicely. Once you’ve played Mindthief enough you’ll start to acquire a sense of entitlement that you should get, at the very least, 1 experience point each turn, and the omission of such a detail on a card is taken as nothing less than a personal slight. And that alone is worth not using the default Attack action. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on Tabletop Bellhop. Time to redecorate those dungeons with some monster guts! See them all ranked by your truly, Mr Badger. If you can burn one card to not bleed 2 then you’re doing it right. In order to understand a lot of the strategy you need to know about this card first so behold the secret to the Mindthief’s power! There are some unsavoury individuals who will automatically deal damage if you attack them. And if you’re playing Gloomhaven for fun and because you love it then you should absolutely spend a pick on Pilfer. 22 castings of mold #177 1.5" hex decorative stone mold. Move and Attack. Remember when we were talking about Hostile Takeover and I said that was the action you were hoping for when you picked Mindthief? Gloomhaven’s third encounter, the Inox Encampment, lies before us. Very good call. Everything in the picture is included. And on that note, let’s take a look at the bottom of Perverse Edge…. This card allows you to use a regular top attack and a bottom attack, so you’re looking at an average of 7-8 damage in one go. Answer, probably not. That will tee up your next turn quite nicely. You wouldn’t want to rely on it to avoid damage, but it’s better than taking a full-strength hit. Frigid Apparition is one of the tools we have in our arsenal to deal with these uncooperating individuals. The bottom half of this card is a classic combo like burgers and fries. People pay 30 Gold for a War Hammer that stuns on a melee attack. 504 Character Ability Cards 12. The general MO for the Mindthief is run in, hit, run away. Mindthief likes to be away from that type of hex. Isaac Childres is raising funds for Gloomhaven on Kickstarter! Carrying around a card that has a useless non-burner side is just dead weight and often isn’t worth the bang at the end, so don’t fall into that trap when you see other cards with a flashy burner and a useless reusable half. Like, Cinderella stepsister ugly. If you’re in a scenario without a Tinkerer or Spellweaver then you’ll need to take Empathetic Assault. You get to dish out healing to everyone who needs it within Range 2, so you can just sit in the back and dish out health, right? The problem with this was that both of these characters are new and unpunched and I wouldn’t have had time before the show to give them a once over and prepare for the game. On the map, at least: our heroes have buggered off back to town with their ill-gotten gains. PIERCE X – Up to X points of the target’s Shield are ignored for the attack. (116) 116 reviews. The second scenario transitions from dirt outside to a cave interior, but I’ll likely just continue to use the dirt tiles. 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