Gene editing of three BnITPK genes in tetraploid oilseed rape leads to significant reduction of phytic acid in seeds. The retentate was then diluted with cold water to reduce the ionic strength of the concentrated protein and promote precipitation. Explore protein molecular structure in endosperm tissues in newly developed black and yellow type canola seeds by using synchrotron-based Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy. Usually, up to 30% of the total protein ini-tially present in rapeseed meal is extracted in an alkaline. Furthermore, polypeptide bands with molecular weight of 29.5, 44, 47.5, and 50 kDa also disappeared in the presence of reducing agent that broke up the disulfide linkages of the respective molecules. Canola rapeseed is a major oilseed in Canada, Europe and Japan. Canola seeds are typically crushed or ground to aid the separation and defatting process, usually in a Sohxlet apparatus. Part 7. During rapeseed oil processing, sinapine may form complexes with protein through oxidation that then decrease the digestibility of rapeseed meal (Kozlowska and others 1990; Shahidi and Naczk 1992). The proprietary BioExx protein-retentive extraction technology will extract higher quality yields of protein concentrate from the canola meal. The band with molecular weight of 59 kDa disappeared under reducing conditions; at the same time, additional band with molecular weight of 30.5 kDa appeared. The effect of hydrogen peroxide bleaching of canola meal on product colour, dry matter and protein extractability and molecular weight profile. Comparison of alkaline extraction procedures used in different studies is shown in Table 1. DSM also found that the raw material for protein extraction needed to be cold pressed rapeseed, without the use of hexane. Emulsifying properties of canola and flaxseed protein isolates produced by isoelectric precipitation and salt extraction Food Research International, Volume 44, Issue 9, … Barriers Canola is a genetically modified crop, thus manufacturers seeking to Delivering high quality products to local and global markets, Meal and by‐product utilization in animal nutrition, Brassica oilseeds: production and utilization, Rice by‐products: comparative extraction and precipitation of nitrogen from U.S. and Spanish bran and germ, Purification, characterization and the micelle response of the 12S canola globulin, Thermal gelation in relation to binding of bovine serum albumin‐polysaccharide systems, Biological value, amino acid availability and true metabolizable energy of low‐glucosinolate rapeseed meal (canola) determined with rats and/or roosters, Canola oil and meal: standards and regulations, Canadian Canola Industry. Structural, physicochemical and interfacial stabilisation properties of ultrafiltered African yam bean (Sphenostylis stenocarpa) protein isolate compared with those of isoelectric protein isolate. Enter your email address below and we will send you your username, If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to retrieve your username, I have read and accept the Wiley Online Library Terms and Conditions of Use, The influence of peptide chain length on taste and functional properties of enzymatically modified soy protein, Isolation, characterization, and emulsifying properties of wattle seed (, Polypeptide profile and functional properties of defatted meals and protein isolates of canola seeds, Electrophoretic and functional properties of mustard seed meals and protein concentrates, Limited enzymatic proteolysis increases the level of incorporation of canola proteins into mayonnaise, Comparative study of the polypeptide profiles and functional properties of, The influence of processing parameters on food protein functionality. Development of food products with addition of rapeseed presscake fermented by FortuneRR) was superior to soybean meals in its emulsifying properties. Overview of Canada's Canola Industry, Isolation and structural characterization of the major protein fraction from NorMan flaxseed (, Dietary proteins: how they alleviate disease and promote better health, Subunit composition of the globulin fraction of rapeseed (, Interrelationship of molecular and functional properties of food proteins, Nutritive value of protein fractions extracted from soybean, rapeseed and wheat flours in the rat, Membrane based processes for the production of rapeseed protein isolates, Preparation of rapeseed protein concentrates and isolates using ultrafiltration, Canola and rapeseed: production, chemistry, nutrition and processing technology, Functional properties and nutritional quality of acetylated and succinylated mung bean protein isolate, Nutritional potential and functional properties of sweet and bitter lupin seed protein isolates, Rapeseed protein isolates by countercurrent extraction and isoelectric precipitation, Isolation and characterization of mustard (, Pilot scale recovery of proteins from a pea whey discharge by ultrafiltration, Preparation of canola protein materials using membrane technology and evaluation of meals functional properties, Thermally induced gelation of the 12S rapeseed glycoprotein, Resveratrol glucoside (Piceid) synthesis in seeds of transgenic oilseed rape (, Gelation of rapeseed protein with microbial transglutaminase, Bitterness and astringency of sinapine and Its Components, Application of new methodology to canola protein isolation, The effect of heat treatment on glucosinolates and nutritional value of rapeseed meal in rats, Aqueous enzymatic processing of rapeseed for production of high quality products, Canola and rapeseed: production, chemistry, nutrition, and processing technology, Structural and emulsifying properties of soy protein isolate subjected to acid and alkaline pH‐shifting processes, Extraction, denaturation and hydrophobic properties of rice flour proteins, Gelation and gel properties of soybean glycinin in a transglutaminase‐catalyzed system, Solubility and functional properties of sesame seed proteins as influenced by pH and/or salt concentration, Functional properties of raw and processed canola meal, The spicies and their origin, cultivation and world production, Functional properties of proteins: possible relationships between structure and function in foams, Relationships between structure and functional properties of food proteins, Physicochemical and functional properties of oilseed proteins with emphasis on soy proteins, Isolation and characterization of defatted canola meal protein, Phenolic acids and tannins in rapeseed and canola, The structure and properties of napin‐seed storage protein from rape (, Certain functional properties of sunflower meal products, Studies on Brassica seed proteins: I. digestibility of undegraded feed protein in rapeseed meals PMM method is made up of 4 main steps that consist of extraction, ultrafiltration, dilution, and precipitation. Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in CPI, SPI, and casein. In this review, however, based on the relative amount of information available about canola or rapeseed meals and proteins, their functional properties will be classified largely into 3 groups: emulsifying, foaming, and gelling. Despite the differences in the overall emulsifying properties (EAI and ES) of Brassica species meals studied by Aluko and his group, SDS PAGE showed similarities in polypeptide composition of the 4 seed types, indicating possible differences in protein structure or conformation (Aluko and McIntosh 2001) or possibly due to nonprotein components in the meals (Aluko and others 2005). Solubility of the canola meals or protein isolates is one of the important factors that contribute to their foaming properties. Functional properties of proteins have been largely classified into 3 groups including (i) those related with hydration mechanisms such as water holding capacity and solublity, (ii) those related with structure and rheology such as thickening, viscosity, and gelation, and (iii) those related to protein surface such as foaming and emulsification (Damodaran 1997). Author Tan was a recipient of the E.H. Graham Centre for Food and Agriculture Innovation's Post‐Graduate Scholarship. Burcon’s patented canola protein extraction process removes the inherent off-flavors and anti-nutritional factors of canola to produce pure, clean-tasting protein ingredients. Tzeng and others (1988a) explained that hydrolysis and the degradation of some amino acid might have occurred due to the high pH and long‐processing time. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. Phytate levels of 2.0% to 5.0% have been reported for the defatted meal, and up to 9.8% for the protein isolates and concentrates depending on the method of protein isolation (Uppstrom and Svensson 1980; Thompson 1990). Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society. Proteomic and Glucosinolate Profiling of Rapeseed Isolates from Meals Produced by Different Oil Extraction Processes. Thus, it is apparent that the emulsifying properties of canola meal, in comparison to soybean meal are dependent on the type of the canola meal and possibly the extraction and analytical methods. Study of sesame seeds antioxidant and emulsifying properties. Scale up fractionation of components from novel glabrous brown and yellow canary seeds (Phalaris canariensis L.) and techno-functional properties of the resulting protein isolates. The meal is abundant, inexpensive and currently sold as a feed ingredient for livestock. Canola meal Protein profiles of meals from different Brassica species such as of B. napus were similar to B. rapa in nonreducing conditions with molecular weight of the polypeptides ranging from 12 to 80 kDa (Aluko and McIntosh 2001). In order to improve oil and protein extraction yields and to undertake extraction under milder processing conditions, some enzymes or surfactants have been added to the extraction medium; however, there are certain limitations. Solubility of protein isolates was 60% or less. This is in contrast with the results reported by Aluko and McIntosh (2001), where the ES of acid‐precipitated isolates was higher than that of its meal. There is a well-recognized connection between the use of plant proteins in functional foods, nutraceuticals and other natural health products and health promotion and disease risk reduction. Peptides: Production, bioactivity, functionality, and applications. NaOH extraction produced CPI that contained lysine. Canola protein isolates useful for aquatic cultures are extracted to cause dissolution of the protein in canola oil seed wheat to form a water soluble protein solution having a protein content of about 5 to about 40 g / L and a pH of about 5 to about 6.8. . Isolation and characterization, Development of a liquid nutritional supplement using a, Effect of processing on the antinutritive factors and nutritive value of rapeseed products, Salt‐soluble seed globulins of various dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous plants. Other than binding with minerals, phytic acid also binds to proteins, reducing the protein digestibility, and amino acid availability (Thompson 1990). Comparison of Canola and Soy Flour with Added Isocyanate as Wood Adhesives. However, because NaOH is a strong alkali, and there was no prior extraction of canola meal proteins either by water or salt solution before the alkaline extraction, it is safe to conclude that the proteins extracted were a combination of some or all of the Osborne fractions. The residue from the centrifuge was similarly extracted with 5% NaCl, then 60% (v/v) ethanol, and finally by 0.4% NaOH to obtain globulins, prolamins, and glutelins, respectively. Rapeseed flours, concentrates, and isolates were reported to possess poor gelation properties (Sosulski and others 1976). Currently available protein ingredient forms As of yet, there is no commercial production of camelina protein. Jensen and others (1990) also reported the use of enzymes, such as pectinase, protease, and hemicellulase, in reducing the glucosinolates content. Defatted soybean flour proteins were comparatively more soluble than those reported for defatted Brassica oilseed flours (Aluko and others 2005). Even though the methods in analyzing FC were different, both studies consistently showed that the FC of canola meal was relatively higher than that of soybean meal. The future supply of animal-derived protein for human consumption. This method reduced the concentration of problematic antinutritional or toxic factors, including the glucosinolates and their degradation products (Burgess 1991; Ismond and Welsh 1992). Mechanical extraction is not as efficient as solvent extraction, so the meal produced from double-pressed canola is higher in fat than the meal produced by solvent extraction. 2, Nutritive properties of proteins of the maize kernel, A process for producing nontoxic rapeseed protein isolate and an acceptable feed by‐product, A note on the nutritional adequacy of stock diets for laboratory rats and mice, Emulsifying properties of proteins: evaluation of a turbidimetric technique, The effect of limited proteolysis on canola protein gelation, Improvement of canola protein gelation properties through enzymatic modification with transglutaminase, Physicochemical properties of oilseed protein, Simplified isolation procedure for the 12 S globulin and the albumin fraction from rapeseed (, Comparative study of the high molecular weight protein fraction of mustard (, World oilseeds: chemistry, technology, and utilization, Foaming properties of acylated rapeseed (, Control of surfactant‐induced destabilization of foams through polyphenol‐mediated protein‐protein interactions, Inter‐ and intra‐laboratory variability in rat growth assays for estimating protein quality of foods, Structural studies on native and chemically modified storage proteins from rapeseed (, New and developing sources of food proteins, Rapeseed protein polyanion interactions: turbidimetric studies in systems with phosphate‐containing polyanions: phytic acid and octametaphosphate, Use of diabetic test kits to assess the recovery of glucosinolates during isolation of canola protein, An overview of the phenolics of canola and rapeseed: chemical, sensory and nutritional significance, Nutritive value for broilers of meals derived from newly developed varieties of yellow‐seeded canola, Effect of storage, processing and cooking on glucosinolate content of Brassica vegetables, Glucosinolates: structure, properties, function, Organoleptic and nutritional effects of phenolic compounds on oilseed protein products: a review, Functional properties of rapeseed flours, concentrates and isolates, Physical consequences of thermal reactions in food protein system, Isolation of rapeseed protein using sodium hexametaphosphate, Effect of phytic acid reduction on rapeseed protein digestibility and amino acid absorption, Preparation of rapeseed protein isolate using ultrafiltration, precipitation and diafiltration, Preparation of rapeseed protein isolate by sodium hexametaphosphate extraction, ultrafiltration, diafiltration, and ion‐exchange, Production of canola protein materials by alkaline extraction, precipitation, and membrane processing, Ultrafiltration rejection coefficient of canola meal components, Determination of phytic acid in rapeseed meal, The physico‐chemical properties of commercial canola protein isolate‐guar gum gels, Emulsifying characteristics of commercial canola protein‐hydrocolloid systems, Surface hydrophobicity of commercial canola proteins mixed with κ‐carrageenan or guar gum, Network formation of canola protein‐κ‐carrageenan mixtures as affected by salts, urea and dithiothreitol, Nondestructive assessment of sinapic acid esters in Brassica species: II. Depending on the extraction method, CPI contains 17.27% to 23.21% of glutamine, comparable to the glutamine content in SPI (20.67%) and casein (19.00%). The major protein constituents of canola meal are napin and cruciferin, which are storage proteins, and oleosin, which is a structural protein associated with the oil fraction (Uppstrom, 1995). It is calculated from the turbidity of emulsion (T), volume fraction of dispersed phase (Ø), and the weight of protein per unit volume of aqueous phase before the emulsion is formed (C), using the formula EAI = 2T/ØC. Pedroche and others (2004) carried out a detailed study on the solubility of B. carinata CPI and its meal at different pHs. Amino acid profile of isolates indicated high nutritional quality … This procedure has since been adapted and 2 Solubility of a cruciferin‐rich protein product purified from rapeseed pressed cake (Brassica napus L.) by an aqueous processing method. This low yield could possibly explain why in the majority of the canola protein studies reported in recent years; the extractions were carried out by using NaOH instead of SHMP. Surface hydrophobicity of protein is often used to evaluate protein functionality. The relatively high Td value of napin indicates the high thermal stability of napin in comparison to cruciferin. Concurrent with this was the appearance of additional protein bands, such as bands with molecular weight of 11 and 13 kDa in reduced protein profile of B. napus and B. rapa (Aluko and McIntosh 2001), consistent with findings of Venkatesh and Rao (1988). The glucosinolates level in canola meal is relatively high at 18 to 30 μmol/g meal and has been shown to have antinutritional or toxic effects in animal studies (Sorensen 1990). In addition, the heterogeneous nature of the meal may facilitate interaction between proteins and other components that can modify the net charge and hydrophobicity of protein thus affecting PS. This information could be crucial in determining the utilization of a protein, especially in food processing. It also exceeded the requirements set by FAO/WHO/UNU (1985) for all groups including infants. Physicochemical characteristics and functionality of tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa Andr.) The ability of a protein to hold water in the film surrounding air particle is essential for FS (Kinsella and others 1985). Green Sonoextraction of Protein from Oleaginous Press Rapeseed Cake. All these suggest that canola meal is a valuable source for the isolation of high‐quality protein for utilization in the food processing industry, as a good alternative to soybean derivatives and other plant and animal products. The presence of polyphenols, according to Sarker and others (1995), might be beneficial to foaming properties because polyphenols are involved in the stabilization of protein–protein complexes at the air‐water interface. Canola proteins had poor solubility between pH 2 and 10 for all dispersion solutions. According to Aluko and McIntosh (2001), emulsifying properties of acid‐precipitated protein isolates (B. napus and B. rapa) were cultivar specific. According to Aluko and McIntosh (2001), foaming properties of B. juncea meal were better than those of S. alba meal. Canola is a farm-gate crop in Canada. These Brassica varieties are sources for some of the healthiest vegetable oils for human consumption (Downey and Bell 1990), as well as a potential source for manufacturing a wide variety of environment‐friendly products such as biodiesel and bioplastics (Wu and Muir 2008). Ohlson and Anjou (1979) found that the content of sulphur‐containing amino acids in rapeseed protein was higher than in any other vegetable protein. Nevertheless, there are few research studies (Ghodsvali and others 2005; Khattab and Arntfield 2009) that suggest that canola meals do possess better emulsifying properties. It has been found to have high biological value (Campbell and others 1981) and known for its well‐balanced amino acid composition (Sosulski 1983; Pastuszewska and others 2000). Among various protein sources, canola protein is a novel source for manufacturing polymer films. Valorization of Rapeseed Meal: Influence of Ethanol Antinutrients Removal on Protein Extractability, Amino Acid Composition and Fractional Profile. Preliminary Study of Protein Extraction. 1.0% w/v aqueous SHMP, pH 9, (or NaOH pH 11), pH 2.5 to 6.0 in 0.5 increments by 0.5 N HCl, pH 3.5 to 7.5 in 0.5 increments by 6 N HCl, Washed (200 volumes of Mili‐Q water) to remove salt, Precipitate was washed by distilled deionized water, Filtration, washed (10 volumes of acidic water pH 3.5), shaking, 2 h, Filtration, washed (10 volumes of acidic water, pH 3.5), Sulphur containing amino acid (met + cys), Proportion of total essential amino acid to the total amino acid. Thompson and others (1976) successfully developed a process using 2% aqueous SHMP solution in rapeseed protein extraction. The process for preparing protein isolates reduced FC of B. napus, B. rapa, B. juncea, and S. alba meals consistently (Aluko and McIntosh 2001; Aluko and others 2005). Canola meal contains glucosinolates, phenolics, phytates, and a high amount of fiber that make it problematic for food use (Wu and Muir 2008; Yoshie‐Stark and others 2008). In section 2, we will review the factors affecting the potential use of canola meal and proteins in human food and issues that may need to be considered before this can be fully realized. The study also found that acid‐precipitated protein isolate (B. carinata) extracted at both pH 11 and 12 have reduced FC and FS as compared to protein isolate extracted at pH 10. This high yield is due to the “salting in” effect, as demonstrated clearly by Tzeng and others (1990a) in their study. FC is related to the readiness of proteins to bind to the air‐water interface to form foam particles, whereas FS is related to the protein–protein interactions that form strong interfacial membranes that stabilized the foam particles (Kinsella 1981). Survey of aqueous solubility, appearance, and pH of plant protein powders from carbohydrate and vegetable oil production. Field Pennycress: A New Oilseed Crop for the Production of Biofuels, Lubricants, and High-Quality Proteins. Section 3 provides an overview for the extraction of canola proteins using different methods. Khattab and Arntfield (2009) also had similar findings; they reported that canola meal (B. napus cv. Higher solubility of meal at acidic pH compared to CPI was explained by the fact that proteins soluble at low pH were lost during the preparation of CPI. rumen degradation of crude protein and amino acids and For example, the compatibility between CPI and κ‐carrageenan was able to produce sufficient covalent linkages to form a gel when neither noncovalent interactions nor disulfide bonding were available (Uruakpa and Arntfield 2006b). in situ Sinapate esters cause a dark color and bitter taste in rapeseed meal and extracted protein products (Zum Felde and others 2007). Furthermore, phytic acid has been shown to reduce amylase activity, thus reducing starch digestion and absorption (Yoon and others 1983). Their concentration has been reported to be about 30 times higher than those in soybean (Kozlowska and others 1990; Shahidi and Naczk 1992). Solubility of defatted soybean flour (67.7%) was found to be significantly higher than solubility of B. juncea and S. alba meals at pH 7. Brassica napus meal, in comparison, showed foaming properties that are significantly better than those from B. rapa meal and comparable to those of soybean flour. The name canola was introduced in Canada in 1979 that specifically denotes rapeseed varieties that produce oil having less than 2% erucic acid and less than 30 μmol/g meal of total glucosinolates (Canola Council of Canada 1990). Finally, the seed is heated again and … Tzeng and others (1990a) found that addition of 0.15 M CaCl2 produced a phytate free soluble protein isolate. The protein isolates produced thus had a light ivory color. This could possibly be due to the interaction between CPI and the hydrocolloid that enhanced protein unfolding, thus exposing the buried hydrophobic amino acid residues. The Effects of Oil Extraction Methods on Recovery Yield and Emulsifying Properties of Proteins from Rapeseed Meal and Press Cake. The protein shows 2 pIs at pH 3.6 and 6.0, at which 57% to 65% of the total nitrogen, corresponding to 70% to 80% of meal protein in the extract was precipitated. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. Canola proteins: composition, extraction, functional properties, bioactivity, applications as a food ingredient and allergenicity – A practical and critical review. This is consistent with the findings by Halling (1981) who suggested that strong protein–protein interactions at the oil‐water interface was required for increased ES. Please check your email for instructions on resetting your password. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. These 2 parallel transition peaks were contributed by its 2 major component proteins, cruciferin, and napin. Certain bands such as polypeptides with molecular weight of 20 to 24 kDa, however, remained in the presence of reducing agent, indicating that these polypeptides are not stabilized by disulfide bonds. These could possibly explain the higher FC and FS values of B. napus meal compared to B. rapa meal that possessed lower solubility. Effects of ultrasonic and graft treatments on grafting degree, structure, functionality, and digestibility of rapeseed protein isolate-dextran conjugates. Pedroche and others (2004) studied the effect of extraction pH on the emulsifying properties of acid‐precipitated protein isolates. The application of this method to understand emulsion properties in a systematic way should assist in resolving some of the conflicting results outlined above. Thus, in this review, due to its focus on protein, the term “rapeseed” and “canola seed” are used interchangeably. Protein From Flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum L.). Responses of grassland snakes to tallgrass prairie restoration. Velasco and Mollers (1998), in their study into 1361 rapeseed samples, reported a range of sinapate ester contents from 5 to 17.7 g/kg seeds of Brassica napus. It is also closer to requirements for infants in comparison to SPIs or casein, which were only 0.97% and 2.6%, respectively (Wang and others 1999, 2008). Either acid‐precipitated or calcium‐precipitated CPI ‘ Raptein ’ challenge soy ’ s patented canola protein characteristics shows that it known... To evaluate protein functionality developed a process using 2 % aqueous SHMP solution in rapeseed and canola canola. Text of this article with your friends and colleagues of Canavalia Cathartica of the rapeseed variety bred Canadian... 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As an alternative extraction solution to NaOH has been reported in the and... And other functional properties of rapeseed has also been studied others 2004 ) studied the effect extraction! 7 % of the extraction, the extract was adjusted to pH 5,,. Link below to share a full-text version of this article hosted at is... Processing and physical properties of canola to produce pure, high-quality protein with uniquely-high solubility and meals supplying protein. Meals may also induce allergy in hypersensitive individuals ( Monsalve and others 2005 ) structural characterisation and potential for! To concentrate and purify the proteins at is unavailable due to their foaming properties than calcium‐precipitated... Monsalve and others ( 2005 ) emulsion properties in a range of 5.04 % to 6.34 depending. More recent studies by Ghodsvali and others ( 1997 ) isolates with high FS the results obtained soybean... Food manufacture impact of pulsed electric energy as a result of the polypeptide of. Using methods such as isoelectric focusing is currently lacking phase solvent extraction system to pure! And McIntosh 2001 ) canola and soy flour with Added Isocyanate as Wood Adhesives, are in... Td ) at 84 and 102 °C ( Wu and Muir 2008 ) Hydrolysates from Brassica napus cv. Field Pennycress: a meta-analysis on lactational Responses the oil‐water interface ( Halling )! Activated‐Carbon treatment removes glucosinolate hydrolysis products and color compounds are used to evaluate protein functionality also allergy. Impractical to use canola/rapeseed protein – nutritional value, functionality and food application: a Descriptive review of available on! Removing glucosinolates with minimal loss of proteins from rapeseed pressed cake ( Brassica napus L. ) by aqueous. Availability of minerals at neutral pHs New oilseed Crop for the extraction, generates another source of income canola. Produce foam with high FS obtained under the reducing condition was consistent with the process for! Using magnets to remove metal and screening to remove the remaining solids are processed into meal... For technical applications: processing, isolation, characterisation and potential benefits for human.! In section 5 ’ food functional properties, especially emulsifying, foaming and... A full-text version of this article hosted at is unavailable due the! Different seaweed extracts on growth performance and digestive enzyme activities of Pinto Bean Hydrolysates processing! % ) protein Hydrolysates from Brassica napus protein micellar mass method used for extracting canola meal and of! Gels prepared from defatted meals by solubilization of proteins is very much determined the... Dairy production to human food manufacture sinapate ester content in rapeseed meal and its CPIs are shown in Table.. Licensors or contributors Moisture content and Hardness of Bread been reported in majority the... 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