They will also accept a variety of high quality flake or pellet foods for carnivores and omnivores. The tail is truncate. The face is a pinky orange colour with red lines across the face. Somewhat agressive, therefore only put in with other aggressive tank mates. Jungle's Pets and Animal Speak - Newsletter, Guide to a Happy, Healthy Marine Aquarium, View (0) Buy/Sell requests on Moon Wrasse. The females as seen below are overall green with irregular vertical red lines down the body. Their aquarium diet should consist of a well balanced variety of meaty food items such as live, frozen, and prepared (preferably vitamin-enriched or "gut loaded") brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, ghost shrimp, krill, crab meat, blood worms, silver sides, squid, chopped clams, small fish, chopped fish, and other meaty marine food items. Country: United States. Water Region: Top, Middle, Bottom
They should be added to an aquarium as the last fish specimen and should be housed with other aggressive species that are too large to become food and will not put up with bullying of any kind. It may be kept with a mate if the aquarium is 150 gallons or larger. Males of some species of wrasse, such as large species of fairy wrasses, should never be kept in the same aquarium as they are very territorial. This fish needs to have a large aquarium with lots of space for swimming, a sandy substrate and, lots of rockwork for hiding and sleeping. Species. The Moon Wrasse should be the last addition to an aquarium as it infamous for terrorizing new tank mates. They prefer areas where there is clear moving oxygen rich waters in the shallow parts of lagoon and coastal reefs as well as protected outer reefs. Ideal for FOWLR system, this species is not considered to be reef compatible as they will eat smaller fish along with invertebrates, crustaceans, and mollusks (the entire cleaning crew). The Thalassoma wrasses are known to be hardy and long lived in the aquarium. Best regard, Liu Wei Chung. The Moonmat is a revolutionary new utility mat with a wide variety of uses! No special requirements but does enjoy patches of sunlight. Though they will not bother your corals they will eat your small crustaceans and invertebrates. The Lyretail Wrasse as an adult, it is green with bright facial and fin markings. Hardy beginner fish for a large aquarium. This wrasse doesn't bother corals but it will eat crustaceans and invertebrates. When frightened this fish will hide in the rock work, or may bury itself in the sand. They also eat fish eggs and snail eggs. 125 gallons is the minimum size these wrasse should be allowed, with longer tanks being more important than tall ones. Having very hearty appetites, they are easily trained to eat prepared foods in the aquarium. Ideal tank mates are as follows: large angels, pygmy angels (depending on the size of your Tusk), lionfish, butterflies, surgeons and groupers. They are found at depths down to about 65 feet (1 - 20 meters) swimming in small groups consisting of many initial phase fish (females and juveniles) with one dominant male. As a popular species, the Moon Wrasse is readily available in the hobby and can be purchased locally or through an online retailer. They are very hard to film, but this one shows their coloring the best! Adults can reach up to about 10 inches (25 cm), though in captivity most Thalassoma wrasses only grow to about 6 or 7 inches (15 - 18 cm). How to successfully keep Moon Wrasse in the home aquarium. MOON Original Spinner Gas Cap for 1-1/2'' Bung Price: $49.00 . Tank mates for Lunar/Moon Wrasse (5-6 inches) By riveria, December 15, … Aquarium Care. Minimum Tank Length/Size:
Aquarium Size : 30 gallon (114 liters) minimum. Time to look for a bigger abode. This fish is often confused with the Yellow Moon Wrasse Thalassoma lutescens, probably due to the cross-over in the common name, but they can quickly be differentiated when compared to each other. The Lyretail Wrasse should reside in a 125 gallon or larger aquarium with larger, aggressive tank mates, and plenty of rocks for hiding. Several Moon Wrasses in a distributor's tank. Moon Wrasse are very popular with experienced hobbyists do to their streamlined, cigar shape as well as the vigorous activity and the bright violet, blue, green to chartreuse, and red coloration they bring to an aquarium. Dartfish are reef safe, peaceful colourful fish that require plenty of rocks for hiding places. Compatibility/Suitable Tank Mates. No special requirements. Many show a marked different colouration as they mature. The Moon Wrasse is a colorful and large Wrasse which is native to the Indo-Pacific. literally every post is explained by this article. Six Line Wrasse (Pseudocheilinus hexataenia) fish profile and care information such as tank size, tank mates, life span, diet, foods, breeding, behavior, tank setup and temperament. While juveniles are well behaved, adults become quite the bullies! Juveniles will sometimes act as cleaners but become aggressive as adults. Feed 2 to 3 times per day and only what will be consumed within a few minutes. It also will dive into cracks, crevices, and holes in rocks. Guide to marine supplies, putting the aquarium together, cycling the aquarium water and adding fish! The author has successfully kept a dragon, pinkface, twin spot and a cleaner wrasse with a harlequin without any problems. Gaining length up to almost 10", it is necessary for the Moon Wrasse or Lunar Wrasse to have plenty of swimming room. Contact me please. They can be kept in a carefully appointed reef with species they are compatibly with. Size: 0-10 inches. This is because as an adult, the yellow caudal fin becomes very 'lunate', which means shaped like a crescent moon with long upper and lower lobes. The Moon Wrasse is a vividly colorful species that is endemic to the many tropical reefs throughout the Indo-Pacific region. They may be kept as a pair if the aquarium is 125 gallons or more. The Lunare or Moon Wrasse. Good for a community aquarium, usually peaceful though secondary males can become aggressive. The juveniles start off with a yellow brown upper body and a light blue lower body. For more information see, Marine Aquarium Basics: Maintenance. Not yet bred in captivity. The denizens have outgrown their tank. … These fish are very easy to keep and eat whatever food you may have for them. As an adult, it is green with bright facial and fin markings. Tank Mates : Use caution when selecting tank mates. Temperature:
Dragon wrasse will burrow into the sand to sleep at night and for protection when frightened or harassed. The Lunar Wrasse is also referred to as the Lyretail Wrasse or Moon Wrasse. As wrasses can be aggressive towards other wraases and fish species, they can be a little bit challenging to keep in community tanks. They are heavy eaters that will eat anything and need to be fed 2 or 3 times a day. Moon wrasses are carnivorous and tend to prey on fish eggs and small sea-floor dwelling invertebrates. It is found in groups living amongst coral reefs at depths to 20 meters, and feeds on invertebrates and fish eggs. The bird wrasse is a great fish for a beginner, as long as it is provided with a large enough tank. MOON Emergency Tank Price: $185.00 . This wrasse is a beast, she eats like a horse and aggressively at that. Followers 0. Moon Wrasse; General. Dec 2, 2014 - Saltwater Aquarium - Find incredible deals on Saltwater Aquarium and Saltwater Aquarium accessories. Unit conversion calculator for aquariums: How many gallons are in your aquarium, how many drops in a teaspoon, whats the difference between a US gallon and a UK gallon, not to mention liters? I am locking to buy one rose band fairy wrasse. Tank Brackets Alminum 4-inch Price: $60.00 . I had moved a small plug of zoas from my husband's tank into mine and she went nuts moving it around, couldn't figure out what her deal was till a fairly large brittle star popped out of it and she then proceeded to make it her lunch. It may be kept with a mate if the aquarium is 150 gallons or larger. It should reside in a 125 gallon or larger aquarium with larger, aggressive tank mates, and plenty of rocks for hiding. Temperament: There is a prominent blue ringed black dot on the dorsal fin and a black dot in the caudal area. They have been the subject of myths, novels, movies... Observations and insights of a marine enthusiast. They are one of the more peaceful wrasses in the Thalassoma genus and can be kept with a variety of other fish without any problems. Mini reef aquarium guide. The Moon Wrasse or Lunar Wrasse was described by Linnaeus in 1758. The Moon Wrasse is quite spectacular as an adult! Like most wrasse species, Moon Wrasse are well known to be jumpers and should be housed in a sealed enclosure with a tight fitting lid to prevent escape and injury. Normal water changes at 10% biweekly or 20% monthly. The Moon Wrasse or Lunar Wrasse has a dark green to blue body with soft purple markings on each scale, the head is green to blue with irregular pink to violet stripes, and the pectoral fins have an elongated red spot. Let us show you how to save money on Saltwater Aquarium NOW! Wrasse These active colourful fish make an interesting addition to the aquarium. The Moon Wrasse or Lunar Wrasse is readily available and inexpensive, ranging in price between about $20.00 to $30.00 USD. Secondary males (females that change into males), however can become aggressive and will need to be kept with aggressive similar sized or larger fish. The Moon Wrasse or Lunar Wrasse is very popular and readily identified. We recommend keeping a Debelius Fairy Wrasse in a tank of at least 50 gallons in size. Moon Wrasse, also commonly referred to as Lyretail Wrasse, get their name from the mature form appearance of their crescent moon shaped caudal fins. Feed a varied protein diet strong in small crustacea, formulas and frozen foods such as mysis and brineshrimp, and thawed chopped raw fish, and even flake foods. It should reside in a large aquarium with larger, aggressive tank mates, and plenty of rocks for hiding. Light: Recommended light levels
It should reside in a 125 gallon or larger aquarium with larger, aggressive tank mates, and plenty of rocks for hiding. Growing to almost 10" or more, they require a tank that is 6 feet or longer. Breeding techniques of some of the more common saltwater aquarium fish. Reef aquarium setup for large reef tanks, Nano reef tanks, Pico reef or MIcro reef aquariums with reef tank lighting, filtration, choosing coral reef animals, and problem solving! How to successfully keep Moon Wrasse in the home aquarium. It is an excellent fish for the community aquarium as it is a peaceful fish, with only secondary males becoming aggressive. The dragon wrasse likes room to move so you will need at least a 100-gallon tank for this fish. All the common names of this wrasse are derived from a description it's tail; Moon Wrasse, Lunar Wrasse, Lunare Wrasse, Crescent Wrasse, and Lyretail Wrasse. Tank mates should be considered carefully with this species as they will become territorial (once established) and will not show any mercy to newcomers that infringe upon their space. The Moon Wrasse is also referred to as the Lunare Wrasse or Lyretail Wrasse. Tank Size: 150 gallons. They get along with the other tank mates quite well and can consume any prepared food that are provided to them. Guide to saltwater fish for beginners, how to choose the best hardy saltwater fish for a beginner fish tank, with a list of marine fish for beginners aquariums!